
Field management of the latest sweet potato

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Sweet potato is called sweet potato in many places, and it is cultivated almost everywhere in our country. The nutrients of sweet potato are more comprehensive, and the planting is relatively simple, and the yield is also higher. But this is also based on the correct management, the field management of sweet potato is very important.

Sweet potatoes are called sweet potatoes in many places and are cultivated almost everywhere in our country. Ipomoea batatas has comprehensive nutrients, simple planting and high yield. However, this is also based on correct management. Field management of sweet potato is very important and one of the planting tasks to ensure high yield. So how should sweet potatoes be managed in the field? The following small series brings the field management method of sweet potato. Let's take a look together!

1. Intertillage and weeding

The main edible parts of sweet potato are underground tubers, so the cultivation and weeding of sweet potato is the primary management work. Before the seedlings grow to about 8 cm, the vines have not covered the ground when the first intertillage weeding work. Pay attention to the depth of cultivation, not too deep, because the roots of sweet potatoes are shallow, too deep words easily lead to root damage. It also prevents the fleshy roots from being exposed to the outside, which can affect tuber growth and reduce quality. During intertillage, weeds are prevented from occupying the ground growth space of sweet potato and robbing the growth nutrition, resulting in yield reduction.

2. Water and fertilizer management

At the seedling stage, it is the most critical time for the growth of sweet potato, and it is also the time when the demand for water and fertilizer is relatively large. Therefore, the management of water and fertilizer should be done well in this period. When topdressing, loosen the soil together, and apply topdressing once every time to improve the fertility of the soil, prevent malnutrition of the sweet potato, and promote the growth of the sweet potato. When the sweet potato reaches the expansion stage, it should be heavily fertilized. In case of high temperature and drought in summer, water should be watered in time, but the water content should not be too much, and drainage management should be done well in rainy weather. If there is too much water, it is easy to cause discoloration of sweet potatoes, cause diseases and insect pests, cause rot, etc., and cause a relatively large impact on yield and quality.

3. Management of expansion period

The swelling stage is a key stage in the growth process of sweet potato, usually reaching the swelling stage about 3 months after planting. During this period of high temperature and humidity, the growth ability of sweet potato is extremely strong, and the leaf area is large, so the management of this period is very important. First of all, we should control the growth of sweet potato stems and leaves. When the growth speed is fast, avoid turning vines and spray foliar fertilizer appropriately. It is very beneficial for the development of tubers and can also improve the yield of sweet potatoes. If the expansion period encountered drought phenomenon, to timely watering, but not flood irrigation.

4. Harvest and save seeds

The growth cycle of sweet potato is not very long, sowing to harvest about half a year, planting areas and varieties of different harvest time will also be different. For example, mid-late maturing varieties should be harvested in time for winter because of their thin skin and poor cold resistance. Secondly, we can also decide according to the eating direction. If it is raw food, it should be harvested early. The sweet potato harvested early is full and juicy, and tastes good, but it is not conducive to storage. Therefore, there is no specific harvest time, we should consider the above aspects comprehensively when harvesting.

The above is a brief introduction to the field management of sweet potato. Planting sweet potato has a relatively wide area in China, but there are also many people who fail to plant it. Most of the reasons are due to the lack of field management, so we must strengthen our own planting management technology oh! Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, want to know more related information, please continue to pay attention to us oh!