
The market of honeysuckle is in the doldrums in the new season, and the downstream terminal demand weakens.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, At present, it is the new season for the production of honeysuckle. In the main producing areas of honeysuckle, such as Shandong, Shaanxi, Henan and Hebei, it is supposed to be a season of abundant supply and prosperous supply and marketing, but the reporter has learned that this year, this widely used traditional Chinese medicine appears to be very lonely.

At present, it is the new season for the production of honeysuckle. In China's Shandong, Shaanxi, Henan, Hebei and other main producing areas of honeysuckle, it should be a season of ample supply and prosperous supply and marketing, but the reporter learned that this year, this widely used traditional Chinese medicine appears to be very lonely, not only the price is lower than in previous years, the trading market is also very desolate, making flower farmers sad. What is the reason for the market situation of this famous traditional Chinese medicine this year? Should florists act on the market or wait for sales?

Walking into the honeysuckle planting base in Yibin County, Sichuan Province, honeysuckle is full of fragrance and good harvest. However, the good harvest did not cheer Yang Shengjun, a local honeysuckle grower. Due to the low price of honeysuckle this year, and along with the rise in pesticide and labor costs, the income of honeysuckle growers has dropped sharply, and Yang Shengjun and the reporter have poured out their grievances.

Yang Shengjun: the price here is not very ideal and the market is not very good. This year, the market of honeysuckle is not good all over the country.

Yang Shengjun told reporters that at present, the best honeysuckle in the local market can sell for 30 yuan per catty, compared with 50 yuan per catty last year. Ordinary honeysuckle generally sells for 20-23 yuan per catty, compared with about 30 yuan last year. On the whole, regardless of the quality, it has basically dropped by about 20 yuan per catty this year.

Yang Shengjun: at more than 20 yuan per jin, the price was 30 yuan at this time last year, and the price is 22 yuan or 23 yuan this year. Now it just doesn't make much money because there was too much inventory last year.

According to public data, honeysuckle is one of the 70 precious medicinal materials determined by the State Council, and it is also one of the 38 precious Chinese herbal medicines that the country focuses on. Because of its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, it has become the first choice for the prevention and treatment of SARS, H1N1, hand, foot and mouth and other prescriptions. It is for this reason that the price of honeysuckle is depressed today. Chen Qing, director of the Information Center of Tiandi Network, a traditional Chinese medicine, analyzed that one reason was that, following the outbreak of SARS and swine flu a few years ago, the price of honeysuckle soared, and flower farmers planted honeysuckle on a large scale at that time. In recent years, it is precisely when this batch of honeysuckle is flourishing and its output is increasing rapidly, and the market supply exceeds demand.

Chen Qing: honeysuckle overcapacity, inventory backlog. Honeysuckle is a perennial plant. Honeysuckle planted at high prices in 2010 and subsequent years can still produce normally, and honeysuckle cultivation is still being developed in numerous sub-producing areas across the country. By the end of 2014, honeysuckle had thousands of tons of stock waiting to be digested.

On the other hand, in addition to being used as a traditional Chinese medicine, honeysuckle plays an important role as an important ingredient of herbal tea, but in recent years, some larger herbal tea enterprises have chosen cheaper honeysuckle instead of honeysuckle, resulting in reduced market demand. Zhang Bin, market analyst of traditional Chinese medicine at Zhuochuang Information, said:

Zhang Bin: the impact of the overall downturn in the overall environment, the weakening demand of downstream terminal enterprises, slow market digestion, coupled with honeysuckle seizing a certain market share, under the impact, the oversupply is becoming more and more serious. In particular, since the opening of the market this year, market inspection has continued to heat up, the introduction of a new Pharmacopoeia and factory certification work is imminent, resulting in manufacturers to purchase more cautious. Honeysuckle industry standardization, branding, international competitiveness and application fields and many other aspects also need to be improved and developed.

After years of industrial chronic disease agglomeration, the malady of honeysuckle industry finally broke out this summer. Chen Qing, director of the traditional Chinese Medicine Tiandi Network Information Center, analyzed that China's honeysuckle industry has major problems in production, circulation, and sales.

Chen Qing: in terms of the production of honeysuckle, the market demand of honeysuckle and its own position in the market demand of honeysuckle are not clear. The producing areas are still "expanding their varieties at high prices and abandoning them at low prices." as a result, the contradiction between production capacity and supply and demand of honeysuckle has existed for a long time.

In terms of the circulation of honeysuckle, because the production areas of honeysuckle are concentrated, which is conducive to the organization of production; the demand of enterprises is large, and the supply of goods is more convenient, resulting in the market participation in the circulation of honeysuckle has been perplexed by speculative factors.

In addition, in terms of honeysuckle sales, Chen Qing analyzed that the game between honeysuckle and honeysuckle in the consumption terminal has not disappeared, and consumer enterprises and individuals still have a certain choice in procurement, resulting in a poor demand for honeysuckle. To this end, he called for:

Chen Qing: for honeysuckle growers, I personally believe that grasping market information and flexible purchase and sales production have always been the main theme of income maximization. Usually, we should know more about the market information of honeysuckle through the Internet and mobile Internet. Second, we should actively face the market to develop order agriculture and actively establish contact with the market terminal by holding groups and other ways, so as to reduce the backlog time of our own supply. Third, it is necessary to strictly standardize and standardize their own planting and processing behavior, do not smoke sulfur, do not adulterate, and gain the long-term favor of customers through high-quality sources.

Due to the overall decline in the market price of honeysuckle in recent years, the income of flower farmers has become less and less, and their willingness to invest has gradually declined. Zhang Bin also told farmers that although the market is in the doldrums, confidence should still be built. the idea of blindly reducing acreage and abandoning seeds is not desirable.

Zhang Bin: with the advent of the great health era and the enhancement of people's awareness of health care, there are great prospects for the future development of the whole traditional Chinese medicine industry. The scope of application of honeysuckle is also expanding, and the demand potential is greater. Seek innovation and change in the predicament, be good at making use of resources and policy advantages, ensure interests, and promote the healthy and orderly development of the industry as a whole.