
The latest four bean cultivation techniques tutorial

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The four-winged bean is a perennial herb of Rosaceae. It is also a famous vegetable in China. Its root tuber and tender pod leaves can be eaten. Pterocarpus tetragonus is rich in protein and fat nutrients, and is widely cultivated in China.

The four-winged bean is a perennial herb of Rosaceae. It is also a famous vegetable in China. Its root tuber and tender pod leaves can be eaten. The four-winged bean is rich in protein and fat nutrients. It is widely planted in our country. It is not easy to plant the four-winged bean. It requires everyone to have certain planting techniques. So how do you cultivate peas? The following small series brings you the cultivation techniques of four-edged beans. Let's take a look together!

1. Deep ploughing

Before sowing, we must first select the planting plot. The four-winged bean has little requirement for the soil, as long as the soil is not too thin, hardened and free of pests. After selecting the planting land, proper soil preparation is to improve the permeability of the soil, strengthen the fertility of the soil, and promote the growth of winged beans. When preparing the soil, it should be deeply turned about 30 cm, the weeds on the plot should be removed, and the base fertilizer should be applied. Base fertilizer is mainly agricultural fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. After deep ploughing, disinfection and exposure can eliminate germs and eggs in the soil and prevent the growth of winged beans.

2. Timely sowing

Winged beans are extremely cold resistant, so we should sow them after the temperature rises gradually in spring, preferably when the ambient temperature is higher than 20 degrees or so. A seedling bed is established one week before sowing, then plastic film is laid, the temperature of the seedling bed is increased, and proper watering is carried out. After water gradually infiltrates, field beds are made and planting holes are dug. When sowing, 2-3 seeds are put into the planting hole, and after sowing, fine soil and plastic film are covered for heat preservation. Before the emergence, the temperature of the seedling bed should be kept at about 26 degrees to promote seed germination.

3. Transplanting

After emergence, the permeability of the field should be enhanced, and the temperature of the seedbed should be controlled at about 23 degrees, and the temperature at night should not be lower than 15 degrees. If the soil is too dry, water it in time, and gradually increase the amount of ventilation as the temperature rises. When the average temperature is stable above 16 degrees, remove the mulch. When the seedlings grow 3 true leaves, they can be transplanted properly after about a month. When transplanting, avoid rainy days and the temperature should not be lower than 15 degrees Celsius. The seedlings were transplanted with soil and the planting density was controlled. The main planting method was ridge planting, which could not only ensure the healthy growth of winged beans, but also improve the soil temperature.

4. Field management

The growth rate of winged bean seedlings is very slow, so it is necessary to do a good job of intertillage and weeding regularly to improve the soil moisture preservation ability. The kidney bean is sensitive to nitrogen fertilizer, so it is necessary to apply less nitrogen fertilizer during the whole growth period of kidney bean. Because the root of kidney bean has strong nitrogen fixation ability, excessive nitrogen fertilizer will lead to excessive growth of kidney bean and reduce the flowering and pod setting rate. The four-winged beans are more water-loving, so they should be watered regularly to ensure that the soil is moist and prevent insufficient soil moisture from affecting the growth of four-winged beans. However, the moisture should not be excessive, and the drainage work should be done well in rainy days.

The spacing between each plant of winged bean is very large, and the utilization rate of land is low, so we avoid wasting land resources. You can make some low-stem vegetables in the middle of the garden, such as rape. And four-winged beans are vine plants, after entering the tendril period to do a good job of erection work, timely lead tendril shelves. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, want to know more related information, please continue to pay attention to us oh!