
The causes and preventive methods of the latest secondary growth of garlic

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Garlic is an indispensable vegetable in our life. With the expansion of its demand, its planting area is gradually expanding, but due to improper planting and management, garlic has secondary growth. Secondary growth will cause garlic deformity, garlic cloves.

Garlic is an indispensable vegetable in our life. With the expansion of its demand, its planting area is gradually expanding, but due to improper planting and management, garlic has secondary growth. Secondary growth will cause garlic deformity, garlic cloves misarranged phenomenon, seriously affecting the quality and yield, so what is the reason for the secondary growth of garlic? How to prevent it? Let's have a look with the editor.

Causes of primary and secondary growth

1. Improper varieties of garlic. The heredity of growing garlic is the main factor for the secondary growth of garlic. when selecting growing garlic, we should first consider the local planting environment and select the garlic varieties suitable for local growth. Garlic should have big head, fat cloves and obvious split when planting garlic. If the varieties suitable for local growth are not selected, the phenomenon of secondary growth will easily occur.

2. Improper storage of garlic seeds. One month before sowing, if the garlic seed is stored at a temperature below 16 degrees Celsius and air humidity above 75%, the low temperature and high humidity environment will increase the secondary growth rate of garlic seed.

3. Improper treatment of garlic seed. Farmers in many areas will carry out seed treatment before planting garlic. If the seeds are treated at low temperature, the garlic will sprout earlier after sowing and it is easy to have secondary growth.

4. The sowing time is inappropriate. Garlic has strict requirements for temperature, light and nutrients. If the sowing time is not appropriate, it will affect the growth of the bulb and the secondary growth.

5. Improper selection of garlic cloves. Some think that when choosing garlic seed when sowing, the bigger the garlic clove, the better, which is beneficial to the garlic seed, but this is incorrect. The size of the garlic clove must be within a range. If it is too small, it is easy to form a single garlic, and too large can easily lead to secondary growth.

6. Cultivation and management measures. Although the adaptability of garlic is strong, it is sensitive to planting environment, nutrients and water. If nitrogen fertilizer or too much fertilizer and water is applied in management, it will cause secondary growth.

II. Preventive methods

In seed selection, we must take into account the local environment, select varieties suitable for local cultivation, and choose the environment where the temperature is above 20 degrees and the air humidity is less than 75% when storing garlic seeds. When dealing with garlic seeds, low temperature treatment method should not be adopted, garlic cloves should be selected in a certain size, not too large or too small, sowing time must be grasped, early or late sowing should not be appropriate, and reasonable close planting should be made.

The above are the reasons for the secondary growth of garlic and prevention methods, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.