
The requirements of the latest eggplant on environmental conditions

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Eggplant is an erect branch herb of Solanaceae, the plant is relatively tall, about 0.8-1 meter. Eggplant is rich in nutrients, such as protein, vitamins and various trace elements. Edible eggplant has the effects of reducing hyperlipidemia, anti-aging and so on.

Eggplant is an erect branch herb of Solanaceae, the plant is relatively tall, about 0.8-1 meter. Eggplant is rich in nutrients, such as protein, vitamins and various trace elements. Edible eggplant has the effects of reducing hyperlipidemia and anti-aging, and has a wide range of planting areas in our country. So are there any environmental requirements for growing eggplant? The following editor brings you the requirements of eggplant on environmental conditions, let's have a look!

1. Soil

Eggplant is suitable for growing in soil with fertile soil, soft and thick soil, normal drainage and irrigation and strong water and fertilizer conservation. And the growth of eggplant needs more nitrogen fertilizer, if the lack of nitrogen, eggplant flower bud differentiation is blocked, the number of flowers is insufficient. Especially when the eggplant reaches the flowering stage, if there is too little nitrogen, the plant growth slows down and the short-styled flowers increase, resulting in a serious shortage of yield. Therefore, when we choose the soil, we should also pay attention to the content of nitrogen in the soil, if the content is too small, we should timely supplement nitrogen or increase the proportion of nitrogen in the base fertilizer.

2. Temperature

Eggplant is a typical summer crop, which is not suitable to grow in a low temperature environment. Although eggplant has strong heat resistance, it is prone to rotten fruit if it is in the environment of high temperature and high humidity for a long time. Therefore, we should adjust the temperature according to the growth stage and humidity of eggplant. After sowing, the temperature should be controlled at about 30 degrees to promote seed germination and emergence. The temperature should not exceed the range of 11-40 degrees. And when sowing, try not to let the temperature in the constant temperature environment, which is not conducive to seed germination and growth, 30 degrees and 20 degrees appropriate temperature change to promote seed germination and ensure strong seedlings.

3. Lighting

Eggplant has a large demand for light. In the growth and development of eggplant, ensuring sufficient light is beneficial to eggplant photosynthesis, improve the accumulation of dry matter in the plant, promote plant growth, and enhance the quality of eggplant fruit. On the contrary, the decrease of photosynthesis, the lack of assimilation, the deterioration of plant growth and the hindrance of color conversion will not only reduce the yield, but also reduce the commercial value of eggplant. And the change of light will have an impact on the flower bud differentiation of eggplant, the lack of light can not meet the needs of flower bud differentiation, and the number of long-column flowers is reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure sufficient light during the growth period of eggplant, especially during flower bud differentiation and seedling stage.

4. Moisture

Eggplant has more dense plants, more branches and leaves, high yield and high water demand. In the whole growth period of eggplant, it is necessary to ensure that the water content of the soil is at least about 70%, and the humidity should be maintained at 75%, but the water requirements of eggplant are different at different growth stages. For example, in the seedling stage, it is necessary to ensure that the soil is in a moist state at any time, while other environmental conditions are suitable. Sufficient water can ensure the normal growth of seedlings, promote flower bud differentiation and improve flower quality. Therefore, it is necessary to meet the water demand of eggplant in planting to avoid affecting the growth of eggplant.

It should be noted that the soil is too closed will seriously hinder the growth of eggplant, so we should prevent the soil from being too wet, if it is too wet, it is easy to rett root rot. Watering should not be too much, in rainy days should pay attention to do a good job of drainage, watering method is mainly furrow irrigation to ensure that there is a certain amount of oxygen in the soil. That's all for today's introduction, this article is for reference only, thank you for your reading and support!