
Key points of Seedling Management of the latest Ginger

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ginger is believed to be no stranger to us. As an indispensable seasoning food in our daily life, it has a great market demand, so the planting benefit is good. In planting and production, in order to obtain high quality and high yield, the seedling management of ginger is very important.

Ginger is believed to be no stranger to us. As an indispensable seasoning food in our daily life, it has a great market demand, so the planting benefit is good. In planting and production, in order to obtain high quality and high yield, the seedling management of ginger is very important, if the seedling management is improper, there will be a variety of problems. So how to manage ginger at seedling stage? Let's take a look.

1. Shading

Ginger likes a cool environment, but the seedling stage of ginger is a period of high temperature and strong light in summer, which is obviously disadvantageous to the growth and cultivation of ginger at seedling stage. It is very easy to cause the leaf to curl and affect the later growth. Therefore, the most important thing in the ginger seedling stage is shading, which can be achieved by building a sunshade.

2. Rational irrigation

Ginger is a shallow root plant, and its roots are generally distributed on the surface of the soil, so it is neither cold-resistant nor waterlogging-resistant, so water management is very important at seedling stage. Although the water demand of ginger in the seedling stage is not high, but because the root system is shallow and underdeveloped, so the water absorption is also less, so the watering method is to water frequently with small water, and the work of soil moisture conservation should be done well after watering. Do not water too much at one time, resulting in soil stagnant water and causing rotten roots and other diseases. Pay attention to drainage and waterlogging prevention after heavy rain.

3. Topdressing in time

Ginger seedling stage is longer, although the fertility is not high, but also to achieve timely topdressing, generally when the seedlings grow to 20-30cm and have 1-2 branches, when topdressing is the most reasonable, but also can promote the growth of seedling stems and leaves. In addition, fertilization should be balanced to avoid the phenomenon of partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, as well as the application of appropriate trace elements, such as iron, so as to avoid plant deficiency caused by certain elements, leading to yellowing of stems and leaves.

4. Ploughing and weeding

In addition to the above points, the weeding work of intertillage should be done well at the seedling stage, which can prevent soil consolidation, increase soil temperature, loosen soil, and promote the growth and development of seedling roots. Weeds will occupy the growth space and nutrients of seedlings, affect the normal growth of seedlings, and pull up the grass if you want to see grass in the field. In addition, plastic film mulching can be chosen, and there is no need for intertillage and weeding before removing the plastic film.

The above are the key points of ginger seedling management. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.