
The latest fertilization method of eggplant

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The cultivation of eggplant is basically very common in China, and the management of eggplant is very important when planting. Especially fertilization, eggplant in the full fruit, flowering and other important growth periods of the demand for nutrition is very large. So we're giving.

The cultivation of eggplant is basically very common in China, and the management of eggplant is very important when planting. Especially fertilization, eggplant in the full fruit, flowering and other important growth periods of the demand for nutrition is very large. Therefore, we should not only meet the nutritional growth needs of eggplant, but also adjust the fertilizer according to the growth situation. Then the following editor has brought you the method of fertilizing eggplant, let's have a look!

1. Apply sufficient base fertilizer

Eggplant has a long growth cycle, deep root extension and luxuriant branches and leaves, so it is a kind of vegetable that likes to be fat and needs fertilizer. Therefore, the application of sufficient basal fertilizer is the key to ensure the healthy growth of eggplant, and if it is cultivated with plastic film in greenhouse. Topdressing in the middle and later stage is more difficult, so it is necessary to improve the application of base fertilizer. Fertilizer is mainly farm manure, farm manure should be fully mature, do a good fermentation treatment to prevent fertilizer loss. And it can also eliminate the harmful substances in fertilizer, improve the utilization rate of fertilizer, and promote the nutrition absorption of eggplant.

2. Cultivate seedlings

The growth of eggplant seedlings is closely related to the whole growth period of eggplant, especially for flower bud differentiation. Therefore, topdressing in the seedling stage is very important, the seedling stage has a greater demand for phosphorus, which can promote the flowering and fruiting of eggplant and advance the time of fruiting. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the application of phosphate fertilizer at the seedling stage, but it is mainly farm manure. When the seedlings grow to about 5 true leaves, if it is found that the plant is lighter, foliar fertilizer should be sprayed properly to ensure the robust growth of the seedlings.

3. Promoting fruit fertilizer

When the door eggplant enters the growth period, the fruit growth rate accelerates rapidly, and the whole plant will enter the fruit growth period. Stems and leaves will also enhance the growth ability, at this time the nutritional demand increases, the application of fertilizer should also be increased. This stage is also the first topdressing of eggplant, the purpose is to promote fruit growth, increase nutrition accumulation, is the key period of fertilization. Pay attention to the amount of fertilization, the main fertilizer ammonium sulfate-based, the application of hole application method, after fertilization to cover fine soil, pour enough water to improve the utilization rate of fertilizer.

4. Full fruit fertilizer

When eggplant enters the fruit expansion period, that is, the full fruit period, it is also the period of high nutrition demand of eggplant. Therefore, the second topdressing work should be carried out at this stage, which is called fruit fertilizer. The fertilizer in the full fruit stage is mainly nitrogen fertilizer, supplemented by phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and pay attention to the application of foliar fertilizer and a small amount of trace elements. Work together with watering to promote the absorption of fertilizer and enhance the immunity of the plant. Promote fruit expansion, but pay attention to the dosage, if the dosage is too much, it can easily lead to fertilizer damage of eggplant.

The above is a brief introduction of eggplant fertilization methods, in fact, fertilization is not only the method to pay attention to, there are many aspects are also very important. For example, dosage, location, etc., want to know what else to pay attention to when fertilizing, you can enter our website to check the relevant articles! That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.