
Scientifically dealing with El Nino to achieve the goal of stabilizing grain income and increasing income

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Autumn grain accounts for most of the grain production throughout the year, and the key to a bumper harvest lies in disaster prevention and reduction. At present, the main flood season has come. In order to actively and effectively deal with the El Ni ñ o phenomenon and ensure the production of autumn grain, the Ministry of Agriculture recently issued the "Scientific response to El Ni ñ o to achieve disaster Resistance and bumper Harvest Preparedness"

Autumn grain accounts for most of the grain production throughout the year, and the key to a bumper harvest lies in disaster prevention and reduction. At present, the main flood season has come. In order to actively and effectively deal with the El Ni ñ o phenomenon and ensure the production of autumn grain, the Ministry of Agriculture recently issued the "Scientific response to El Ni ñ o disaster Prevention and reduction Plan" to guide scientific disaster prevention and reduction. -- Editor

South: preventing flood and waterlogging disaster

Strengthen the guidance service. In view of the occurrence of flood and waterlogging disasters and the process of crop growth and development, experts were organized to formulate technical guidance on field management to guide all localities to scientifically regulate fertilizer and water according to local seedlings, to implement measures of increasing fertilization and promoting early maturity as early as possible, and to promote rapid development through the application of tiller fertilizer at seedling stage. at heading and flowering stage, strong grain fertilizer and plant growth regulators were sprayed to promote early development and fast growth. Reasonable control of water and seedlings, so that there are long ears of water in the middle stage of growth and dry and wet strong seeds in the later stage.

Go all out to defend against flooding. Pay close attention to major weather changes, strengthen communication and consultation with meteorological and water conservancy departments, and implement flood control and drainage measures as soon as possible. The key point is to clean up and dredge the drainage channels of farmland, do a good job in the inspection and repair of agricultural machinery and equipment for flood control as soon as possible, and timely adjust and transport relief materials such as diesel oil and water pumps to ensure the need for flood fighting and emergency rescue.

To help disaster victims produce and save themselves. According to the degree and adverse effects of the flood, coordinate the financial and other departments to implement agricultural disaster relief funds to help the affected farmers to help themselves in production. The key point is to rush to drain stagnant water in flooded fields, rush to repair and destroy farmland, check seedlings, wash seedlings and support seedlings, strengthen fertilizer and water management, spray foliar fertilizer, and promote growth recovery. For the plots with no harvest due to waterlogging, we should replant and replant in time, popularize "flood recycled rice", resume production as soon as possible, and reduce disaster losses.

Make every effort to prevent and control diseases and insect pests. We will strengthen the monitoring and early warning of major diseases and insect pests, such as rice "two-migration" pests, and vigorously promote unified prevention and control. We will implement inter-regional joint prevention and control and mass prevention and control in the areas of re-occurrence, so as to achieve early warning and early prevention, and resolutely curb outbreaks.

North China: guard against summer drought

Promote the normal growth of summer crops. In view of the postponement of sowing time in summer sowing areas such as North China this year, it is necessary to guide various localities to strengthen the regulation of fertilizer and water at the seedling stage to promote normal growth and development.

Implement agronomic measures to preserve soil moisture as soon as possible. According to the situation of drought and the conditions of water sources, we should scientifically guide the fight against drought and implement the key technologies of agronomic drought resistance. For the fields with irrigation conditions, shallow and middle ploughing should be adopted after irrigation to cut off the capillaries of the soil surface and reduce evaporation; under the condition of equal rain without irrigation, the measures of mid-ploughing and high soil cultivation should be taken to reduce soil evaporation and increase soil water storage. At the same time, in order to implement the measures of chemical control and humidification, spraying drought-resistant and water-retaining agent on leaves to increase the drought resistance of plants, urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution or calcium superphosphate and plant ash leaching solution can also be sprayed many times to increase the moisture of plant panicles, cool and humidify, provide necessary water and nutrients for leaves, and improve grain plumpness.

Implement drought relief measures such as watering in accordance with local conditions. Check and repair irrigation facilities in advance and strengthen drought monitoring. Once the drought develops and spreads, all measures should be taken in fields with irrigation conditions to concentrate on watering and protecting seedlings with limited water sources, and to popularize water-saving irrigation techniques such as sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, ridge irrigation, alternate irrigation across ridges, and other water-saving irrigation techniques; where water sources are insufficient, water pipes or water bags should be adopted to expand the irrigation area and reduce drought losses.

Northeast: guard against periodic low temperature and early frost

Strengthen the field management to promote growth. For dryland crops such as corn and potatoes, shoveling deep pine should be taken as an important measure to seize accumulated temperature and prevent grass damage, give full play to mechanical role, speed up shoveling, and speed up the process of crop growth. For paddy field crops, shallow water irrigation should be carried out, thin water should be irrigated frequently, the temperature of the field should be raised, tiller fertilizer should be applied scientifically, effective tillering should be promoted, and the number of ears should be increased.

Timely topdressing to promote early maturity. Topdressing should be applied timely and early. When corn is 6-7 leaves, 15-20 kg urea per mu is combined with shovel, and lateral deep topdressing is adopted, 10-12 cm on the side and 10-15 cm deep. Spraying urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate in time to speed up the growth process and promote early maturity at the jointing stage of corn and rice and the early flowering stage of soybean. For the plots with late sowing, late emergence and destruction of replanting, it is necessary to apply fertilizer in advance, increase the number of fertilizers, and promote the transformation and upgrading of seedling conditions.

Comprehensive measures to prevent early frost. In the late growth period, peeling the stalk and drying in time can accelerate the dehydration of booting and grain, reduce the water content of grain and promote rapid ripening. Make material and technical preparations for early frost prevention as soon as possible, and in the event of early frost, quickly carry out artificial smoke and frost prevention to effectively reduce the impact of early frost. For crops harmed by light frost, we should follow the principle of "do not open the sickle without severe frost" and guide the masses not to rush to get rid of it, to harvest late at the right time, to promote post-ripening, and to improve yield and quality.