
The latest course on techniques and methods of Cabbage Seedling Management

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cabbage is what we usually call cabbage, a plant of the cruciferous family. Cabbage is one of the main vegetables except winter in the north of our country. It has strong cold resistance and disease resistance, and can quickly adapt to a variety of environments, yield and quality are very good.

Cabbage is what we usually call cabbage, a plant of the cruciferous family. Cabbage is one of the main vegetables except winter in the north of our country. It has strong cold resistance and disease resistance, and can quickly adapt to a variety of environments, yield and quality are very good. So how to raise seedlings first when growing cabbages? The following editor brings you the seedling management technology of cabbage, let's have a look!

1. Choose a place to make a bed

Before raising seedlings, choose fertile and moist soil, then do a good job of ploughing and baking, and rake it flat. According to the planting area, sufficient base fertilizer is applied, and the base fertilizer is mainly rotten farm manure, and then the soil is fully mixed with the base fertilizer after drying. Make a good seedling bed, the seedling bed is mainly the sunny bed, the sunny border should be moist and adequate base fertilizer, turn deeply after fertilization, and then sift the fine soil as the sowing cover soil. Then cover the sunny border with plastic film to bake the border, and after about 2-3 weeks, the seeds can be sown when the soil temperature is moderate.

2. Sowing seeds at the right time

Cabbage has certain requirements for sowing time, which should be determined according to the winter nature of cabbage, the weather of the planting site and the way of raising seedlings. For example, late-maturing varieties are generally sown in autumn and winter, while hotbeds and early-maturing varieties are generally carried out in January. The germination ability of cabbage seeds is strong, so there is no need to soak seeds to accelerate germination. Before sowing, pour enough water on the bed, wait until the water seeps into the soil, then spread it evenly on the soil, and cover fine soil and plastic film after sowing. Improve the heat preservation capacity of the seedbed and control the temperature at about 21-24 degrees.

3. Seedling management

When sowing in winter, the temperature and moisture should be controlled before the overwintering seedlings are unearthed. The temperature should be controlled at about 12 degrees during the day and 6-7 degrees at night. To prevent temperature discomfort leading to early bolting of seedlings, we should also pay attention to cold prevention and warmth when overwintering. Then in the spring of the following year, when the seedlings grow to three leaves, the seedlings are divided on a sunny day. After dividing the seedlings, the temperature should be controlled at 20 degrees in the day and 12 degrees in the evening, and the temperature should be lowered appropriately after slowing down the seedlings, but not too low to prevent the seedlings from vernalization. Ensure adequate light, proper ventilation, control moisture, and create a good growth environment for cabbage growth.

4. Seedling refining and transplanting

About a week before transplanting the seedlings, the seedlings should be refined, and the seedlings should be watered and cut into pieces, mainly at low temperature. The main purpose of seedling refining is to improve the cold resistance of seedlings and make them adapt to the environment in which the temperature has not yet risen in spring as soon as possible. Strengthen the management after refining the seedlings, and then transplant properly when the seedlings grow to 7 true leaves, the Hypocotyl and leaves are dark and the stems are stout. When transplanting, we should be careful not to hurt the roots of the seedlings, so as not to affect the nutrient absorption of the seedlings and hinder the growth of the seedlings.

The above is a brief introduction of cabbage seedling management technology, cabbage seedling work is very important. Reasonable seedling raising method can cultivate robust seedlings, enhance the survival rate of seedlings, improve the yield and quality of cabbage, and help to expand the economic benefits of planting. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.