
The latest planting method of arugula

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, When it comes to arugula, many people may think of sesame, in fact, it has something to do with sesame as we all know. Arugula is rich in nutrients, and the taste of sprouts is unique, so it can be regarded as a very characteristic delicious vegetable. In China, arugula

When it comes to arugula, many people may think of sesame, in fact, it has something to do with sesame as we all know. Arugula is rich in nutrients, and the taste of sprouts is unique, so it can be regarded as a very characteristic delicious vegetable. In China, arugula is mainly planted in Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Hebei and other places, in fact, it is very rare in some other places. So what the editor brings to you today is the planting method of arugula. Let's take a look.

1. Land selection and preparation

Arugula has a strong ability to adapt to the environment, has a strong ability to resist drought and barren, and does not have many requirements for planting land. But if you want high yield, it is best to choose loose soil, fertile soil, soil water content of about 80% to 90, that is to say, better drainage and irrigation conditions. After selecting the planting land, fine cultivated land should be cultivated, the soil should be as fine as possible, and sufficient basic fertilizer should be applied, mainly based on farm rotten fertilizer, ditch for border, and finally rake the border surface to wait for sowing.

2. Sowing method

The best time to sow arugula is usually around April every year, and the temperature suitable for sprouting is about 15 to 20 degrees. If sown in April, May is the most suitable for the growth of arugula, which can greatly improve the yield and quality of arugula. When sowing, we can use three ways: live broadcast, strip sowing and sowing. When sowing, you should first mix the seeds and fine soil well, so that you can ensure that the planting is scattered evenly. When sowing, you should pay attention to the distance between each row is about 15 to 20 centimeters. After sowing, cover the seeds with thin soil and call for water.

3. Field management

Generally speaking, seedlings will emerge about four or five days after sowing, and when arugula grows two or three true leaves, we can interplant and plant. When the seedlings are pulled out, the weak seedlings and diseased seedlings should be pulled out, and at the same time, attention should be paid to weeding, the distance between each plant should be controlled at about 20 cm, and combined with intertillage. Secondly, in the process of arugula growth, we should reasonably control the supply of water, timely watering and drainage. In order to promote the growth of arugula and improve the yield and quality of arugula, we should apply fertilizer scientifically. When topdressing, we need to control the amount of fertilizer reasonably according to the growth of arugula. Among them, mainly nitrogen fertilizer and compound fertilizer, generally apply fertilizer once a week or so, it should be noted that a week before harvest, do not topdressing, so as not to affect its quality.

4. Disease and pest control

We all know that arugula is highly resistant, but in some peak periods of disease, or due to improper planting management, it can still cause some diseases, such as Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and leaf spot. We can use Sclerotinia sclerotiorum net wettable powder to control Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, and carbendazim can be used to control leaf spot. Secondly, yellow striped jumping beetle and Plutella xylostella are also common pests of arugula. We can use chlorpyrifos EC and jumping beetle to spray. Of course, it should be noted that it can be sprayed within half a month to one month before harvest.

As arugula has strong adaptability to the environment, it is also very convenient to grow, and the field operation is also very simple, so if you are interested in planting, you can read this article carefully. I believe it will bring you a lot of inspiration.