
The latest course of field management techniques and methods of rape in spring

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Rape is a kind of cruciferous plant native to China, which is mainly distributed in Anhui, Hunan and other provinces, and is welcomed by many people. With now entering the spring, rape planting has also entered a peak period. We manage the field by planting rape in spring.

Rape is a kind of cruciferous plant native to China, which is mainly distributed in Anhui, Hunan and other provinces, and is welcomed by many people. With now entering the spring, rape planting has also entered a peak period. We have certain requirements for field management when we grow rape in spring. So how to manage rape in spring? The following editor brings you the field management technology of rape in spring. Let's have a look.

1. Trench cleaning and drainage

With the passing of the snow in winter, there is a long rainy day in spring. Therefore, the continuous low temperature environment leads to too much water content in the soil, if it is not drained in time. It will seriously affect the respiration of rape roots, lead to anoxic decay, lodging and other adverse phenomena, and improve the incidence of diseases and insect pests. Therefore, when we stop raining, we should clean up the ditches in time, discharge excess water from the fields and reduce humidity. Do a good job of soil heat preservation to avoid waterlogging and freezing damage. The wet soil in the ditch can be used to cultivate soil to prevent toppling, especially in some plots with serious seedling lifting phenomenon.

2. Pick moss and chase fertilizer

If the temperature is higher in winter and spring, then rape will be affected and speed up its growth process. Especially for some early-maturing varieties and early sowing rape, the time of bolting and flowering will be much earlier. Therefore, it is more vulnerable to freezing injury, we should do a good job of picking moss for these early flowering and bolting rapeseed. The picked bolts can also be eaten as vegetables, and can effectively delay flowering time and prevent frost injury. The Empress Dowager Zhai should be fertilized once in time, and urea was the main fertilizer to restore the growth of rape as soon as possible.

3. Spraying medicine in time

In the autumn and winter of the first year, if the water is insufficient and the temperature is high, then the flowering date of rape will not only be earlier, but also the nutrient elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus in the plant will be insufficient. In spring, if you encounter low temperature and rainy weather, it will provide more conditions for the disease. Therefore, we should timely spray foliar fertilizer in the early flowering stage of rape to promote the growth of rape. Prevent rape from blooming and unfruitful, premature senility and other bad phenomena. Avoid diseases such as Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, improve the resistance of rape, and strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests.

4. Pest control

The harm of diseases and insect pests to rape is very great. If it is not properly controlled, the yield will be reduced if it is light, and the harvest will be lost if it is heavy. The common diseases and insect pests of rape are Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, virus disease, aphid and so on. Aphids are also one of the main carriers of viral diseases. Therefore, we should pay attention to the prevention and control of aphids. Often check the growth of rape, to timely find whether abnormal, found that abnormal phenomena, timely check out the specific causes, and then make corresponding measures, do not use drugs blindly to prevent drug damage.

The above is a brief introduction of rape field management technology in spring, rape should not only focus on management in spring. Should not be neglected in any season, only by doing the most basic management work, can we ensure the robust growth of rape and increase the yield. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all!