
The latest course on the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in baby vegetables

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Doll vegetable is a kind of vegetable that everyone likes very much, and it is also one of the vegetables with good promotion prospects in the market at present. Doll vegetable is easy to be infected by diseases and insect pests when it is planted, which affects its yield and quality, and brings certain losses to farmers. Next, I will be with the editor.

Doll vegetable is a kind of vegetable that everyone likes very much, and it is also one of the vegetables with good promotion prospects in the market at present. Doll vegetable is easy to be infected by diseases and insect pests when it is planted, which affects its yield and quality, and brings certain losses to farmers. Next, let's take a look at the pest control techniques of baby vegetables with the editor.

1. Soft rot

At this time, doll vegetable planting is a common disease, mainly harmful to the base of the stem, when the disease, the base of the stem rot, but also accompanied by stench, secreting yellow sticky matter in a humid environment.

Control technology: streptomycin can be used for foliar spraying, once every 7-10 days, continuous 2-3 times, the effect is better. Can also promote the ball, in order to prevent this disease, can be in the rosette stage of its spray water spray preparation, or irrigation root with water, has a good preventive effect.

2. Downy mildew

This is a fungal disease, which can occur from the seedling stage to the harvest period. It mainly harms the leaves of the baby vegetables. When the disease occurs, the leaves wither and yellowing until the whole plant dies.

Prevention and treatment methods: there are many prevention and control measures for this disease, 500 times solution of downy mildew can be used for spray control, and 600-800 times solution of Purek water agent can be used for prevention and treatment in serious cases.

3. Sudden collapse disease

The disease, also known as inverted seedlings, small foot plague, is also a fungal disease, the stem of doll vegetables is weak, slowly collapse, in serious cases, there will be a large area of death, great harm.

Prevention and treatment methods: the disease should be mainly prevented, fertilizer and water management should be strengthened in management, easy field humidity and permeability should be injected to make it grow normally, and 400-600 times solution of Pulick should be sprayed for disinfection prevention.

4. Insect pests

There are three main pests of baby vegetables: one is aphids, which gather in the leaves and constantly absorb the juice of leaves, which in serious cases lead to leaf dehydration and withering, and can also spread diseases; second, Plutella xylostella, which is somewhat similar to aphids, also absorbs the juice of baby vegetables; third, cabbage insects, unlike the former two, will constantly gnaw on plants, and in serious cases, plant leaves will be eaten clean, which is one of the natural enemies of vegetables.

Control methods: pesticides can be used to control aphids, fenvalerate EC and deltamethrin EC can eliminate it, but the main concentration should be used alternately to avoid drug resistance. Plutella xylostella can be controlled with cabbage suspension and Uranus EC, while cabbage worm, vegetable and fruit net or kungfu EC can be used to control Plutella xylostella.

The above is the introduction of baby vegetable pest control technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.