
A course on the latest technical methods of field management of baby vegetables

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The growth cycle of doll vegetables is relatively short, generally planting 45-55 days after maturity, plus can be planted all the year round, can be listed in a large number of very short time. So how to manage the baby vegetables after sowing? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction. 1. Temperature management

The growth cycle of doll vegetables is relatively short, generally planting 45-55 days after maturity, plus can be planted all the year round, can be listed in a large number of very short time. So how to manage the baby vegetables after sowing? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction.

1. Temperature management

Generally sowing 4-5 days after the emergence of seedlings, in time to cover the film to ensure that it has enough temperature to grow, and if planted in the greenhouse, there is no need for film mulching. However, we should pay attention to the temperature difference between day and night, try not to exceed 13 degrees, strengthen ventilation during the day, reduce the temperature of the shed and fertilization, and reduce the occurrence of diseases. When planting in a small arch shed, the vents should be strengthened as the temperature rises. when the low temperature address is more than ten degrees, the film can be removed, combined with mid-ploughing and weeding to increase soil temperature and promote root growth.

2. Water management

The root system of baby vegetable is underdeveloped and the rhizome is small, so it is necessary to keep the soil moist enough to ensure its normal growth and development. When the baby vegetable enters the heading period, when it needs the most water, and it is also a period of high temperature, high temperature and humidity are easy to breed diseases. So in watering to control the amount, lest the root humidity is too large and induce rotten heart, if it rains to timely drainage, reduce humidity.

3. Fertilizer management

As the growth cycle of baby vegetables is relatively short, it is necessary to ensure that the soil has enough fertility for its growth, and base fertilizer should be applied in combination with soil preparation, mainly organic fertilizer. In the case of insufficient base fertilizer, in order to avoid the lack of fertilizer and stop growing, a small amount of manure fertilizer can be applied. In addition, topdressing is carried out in the three periods of rosette stage, initial heading stage and middle heading stage, so as to ensure the normal growth of baby vegetables.

4. Ploughing and weeding

Weeding will be carried out during soil preparation, but weeds will not be eliminated endlessly. With the growth of baby vegetables, a large number of weeds will grow in the field. These weeds will compete with baby vegetables for water and fertilizer, and will also provide a good living environment for diseases and insect pests. Resulting in poor ventilation in the field, prone to diseases and insect pests. So to weed frequently, it is recommended to pull weeds manually, if the planting area is too large, we should pay attention to the concentration and operation methods when using pesticides, so as to avoid drug damage caused by baby vegetables.

The above is the introduction of the field management technology of doll vegetables. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.