
The latest course on planting techniques of Welsh Onion

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Green onion is a biennial plant of Liliaceae. There are many varieties of green onion in our country. The market demand is the largest in the northwest region. Green onion plays an important role in vegetables in China. Its planting area is up to 1 / 10 of the total vegetable area, and its economic efficiency.

Green onion is a biennial plant of Liliaceae. There are many varieties of green onion in our country. The market demand in the northwest region is the largest, and green onions play an important role in vegetables in China, and its planting area is up to 10% of the total vegetable area, and its economic benefit is relatively high. So how to grow green onions? The following editor brings you the planting technology of green onions, let's have a look!

1. Land selection and preparation

The root growth ability of Welsh onion is relatively weak, and the distribution of soil cultivation during planting is relatively deep. Therefore, we need to pay attention to ensuring that the soil is sufficiently permeable when planting. To ensure that the planting soil is deep enough and highly permeable. In many places, the insufficient yield of green onions is mainly due to the shallow soil layer, which leads to the root of green onions beyond the tillage layer, affecting growth and serious damage to diseases and insect pests. Therefore, after selecting a good site, we must turn it at least 30 cm deep to improve the permeability of the soil, and then apply sufficient base fertilizer, mainly mature farm manure. .

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

The seeds of green onions are relatively small, and the seed coat is relatively hard, so the growth rate of green onions in the seedling stage is relatively slow. Therefore, before sowing, we should rake and level the seedbed, pour enough water, and sow the seeds in an all-round way when the water seeps into the soil. After sowing, the soil is covered with plastic film to improve the heat preservation and moisture retention ability of the soil. After sowing, the temperature will be controlled at about 20 degrees, and seedlings will emerge in about a week. When half of the seeds emerge, the plastic film should not be opened too late, otherwise it will reduce the growth of the seedlings. When the seedlings are stretched and watered once, then properly watered according to the soil moisture. Do not water too much to prevent the soil, the whole seedling autumn need to be topdressing about twice.

3. Cultivate soil at the right time

Soil cultivation is very important for the growth of green onions. Generally speaking, soil cultivation is needed after watering and fertilizing. According to the green onion growth time to control the intensity, in the early stage can not cultivate the soil too tight, reduce the soil permeability. It can easily lead to some bad phenomena, such as thin stem and dead seedlings, and reduce the commodity value of green onions. During the growing period of green onions, the soil should be cultivated for at least 5 times, and the last one is to improve the wind protection of green onions and prevent them from lodging. After cultivating the soil, we should also pay attention to do a good job in disease prevention, enhance the disease resistance of green onions, and avoid the harm of diseases and insect pests.

4. Field management

Water and fertilizer is an indispensable substance in the growth process of green onions, but although it is more important. But we should also pay attention to the amount, too much fertilizer can easily lead to green onions fertilizer damage, reduce the yield. Too much water is the same, it is easy to cause green onion retting root rot, causing a variety of diseases and insect pests. We should carry out water and fertilizer work reasonably according to the soil conditions, the weather and the actual growth of green onions. Finally, the harvest time should be determined according to the planted green onion varieties. If the early-maturing varieties are harvested too late, it will easily lead to the freezing injury of green onions, on the contrary, the yield will be affected if the late-maturing varieties are harvested too early.

The above is a brief introduction to the planting technology of green onions, and the planting technology of green onions is relatively simple. Management is also relatively extensive, but we should also pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Otherwise, it will have a great impact on the yield and quality and reduce the planting benefit. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.