
The latest course of field management techniques and methods of bitter chrysanthemum

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Bitter chrysanthemum is a kind of 1-2-year-old herbaceous plant, which is mostly used in cold salad, cooking soup and so on. Bitter chrysanthemum taste with a little withered, with heat and fire, anti-inflammatory eyesight and other effects. Its popularity is relatively high.

Bitter chrysanthemum is a kind of 1-2-year-old herbaceous plant, which is mostly used in cold salad, cooking soup and so on. Bitter chrysanthemum taste with a little withered, with heat and fire, anti-inflammatory eyesight and other effects. Its popularity is relatively high, and now bitter chrysanthemum also has a certain planting area. So how to manage when planting bitter chrysanthemum? The following editor brings you the field management technology of bitter chrysanthemum, let's have a look!

1. Ploughing and weeding

The weeding work of ploughing is of great help to the growth of bitter chrysanthemum. First of all, after the seedlings of bitter chrysanthemum are unearthed, field inspection should be done well. If there is a drought phenomenon, then it should be watered in time to avoid soil drought. Do a good job of loosening the soil, improve the permeability of the soil and reduce the rate of water evaporation. And because the root growth ability of bitter chrysanthemum seedlings is not strong and fragile. Therefore, when loosening the soil, we should pay attention to the strength to prevent excessive force damage to the root. Affect the absorption of water and nutrients in the roots, and pay attention to weeding work to prevent weeds from grabbing the nutrients needed for the growth of bitter chrysanthemum.

2. Replenish seedlings with inter-seedlings

After the seedlings of bitter chrysanthemum are unearthed, the growth of seedlings should be observed frequently. Some seedlings with weak growth, diseases and insect pests should be pulled out in time to avoid affecting the overall growth. Do a good job of fixing seedlings when the seedlings grow to a certain size, so as to provide sufficient growth space for robust seedlings. Then the robust seedlings should be added to the extracted hole to ensure the seedling rate and yield of bitter chrysanthemum. After doing a good job of inter-seedling work, the removed weak seedlings, dead seedlings and other seedlings should be taken out of the field together with weeds for burning treatment to avoid carrying bacteria.

3. Water and fertilizer management

The work of water and fertilizer should be paid attention to when planting bitter chrysanthemum. Because water nutrition is the key to ensure the healthy growth of bitter chrysanthemum, we should water and fertilize reasonably according to the growth of bitter chrysanthemum and natural environmental factors such as soil, weather and so on. In the seedling stage of bitter chrysanthemum, keep the soil dry and wet evenly, too much watering will lead to excessive growth of bitter chrysanthemum. And too little will lead to premature senescence of seedlings and affect growth. In the growing period of bitter chrysanthemum, it is necessary to keep the soil in a moist state, otherwise too little water will increase the bitter element of bitter chrysanthemum and reduce the commodity value. Then according to the growth of bitter chrysanthemum plant appropriate topdressing, the general base fertilizer is mainly farm fertilizer, topdressing is mainly compound fertilizer and micro-fertilizer.

4. Pest control

Pest control requires us to focus on management when planting every crop. Because bitter chrysanthemum produces diseases and insect pests, it will certainly lead to losses. In serious cases, it is possible to lead to the end of bitter chrysanthemum harvest. Therefore, we should pay attention to do a good job of disinfection, strictly disinfect seeds and soil before planting, and reduce the base number of pathogens. Then disinfectants are used rationally in the process of planting to restrain the spread of bacteria. After the incidence of bitter chrysanthemum, it is necessary to find out the specific causes in time, and then symptomatic prevention and treatment to avoid the spread of the disease and affect the normal growth of bitter chrysanthemum.

The above is a brief introduction to the field management technology of bitter chrysanthemum. These are not only the management work that we need to do well, but also some aspects that we need to pay attention to in planting. Avoid some unnecessary losses and protect their own planting benefits. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.