
The planting environment of the latest gourd

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The gourd must be familiar to everyone, it is not only a kind of container. It is also edible and has a very high medicinal value, and has a certain planting area in our country. However, there are also many cases of planting failures, most of which are due to planting environment control.

The gourd must be familiar to everyone, it is not only a kind of container. It is also edible and has a very high medicinal value, and has a certain planting area in our country. However, there are many cases of planting failures, most of which are due to improper control of the planting environment. So what kind of environment does it take to grow gourds? The following editor brings you the requirements of the environmental conditions for gourd planting, let's have a look!

1. Soil

The growth ability of gourd is very strong and can grow normally on most of the soil. But the purpose of artificial planting is to increase yield and enhance quality. If the soil quality is poor, it will have a certain impact on the yield and quality of gourd. Therefore, when we plant, it is best to choose soil with sufficient fertility, deep soft and strong permeability. Then the soil PH value is controlled at about 6.8, which can effectively enhance the growth ability of gourd, increase the yield and expand the planting benefit.

2. Temperature

Temperature is very important for the growth of gourds. Gourd like to grow in a warm environment, when sowing, to ensure that the temperature is about 15 degrees. The seed germination rate can be improved obviously, and the optimum temperature should be controlled at 22-24 degrees in the growth process of gourd. If the temperature is uncomfortable, it will inhibit the growth of the gourd. Although the gourd can blossom normally in the low temperature environment, the pollination rate will decrease, thus reducing the fruit rate. Therefore, we should pay attention to control the temperature when planting to ensure that it is suitable for the growth of gourds.

3. Moisture

The root of gourd is relatively developed, so it has a strong ability to absorb water. Under normal circumstances, there are a large number of branches and leaves, and the rate of water evaporation is fast, so we should keep a certain amount of water in the field. It is necessary to water in time in case of drought, especially in the flowering and fruit stage, because of the faster growth rate, the demand for water will be greater. Therefore, the flowering and fruit period should appropriately increase moisture, but the amount of water should be controlled before harvest to avoid excessive moisture to reduce the storability of the gourd. It is not suitable to flood irrigation when watering. After producing stagnant water, it should be drained in time to prevent stagnant water retting roots and cause diseases and insect pests to affect the growth of gourd.

4. Lighting

Light is closely related to the growth ability and yield of gourd. Although the gourd has a certain ability to resist low light, but if it is in a weak light environment for a long time, the amount of flowers and fruits will be seriously reduced, thus affecting the planting efficiency. So we plant in order to ensure high yield and high quality. It is best to choose the planting plot in an open and sunny place. If you encounter a long period of overcast and rainy weather, then it is necessary to do a good job of artificial lighting. But also to prevent the sun for too long, to properly shade, to provide scattered light, otherwise it is easy to cause leaves and fruits to be burned.

The above is a brief introduction to the gourd planting environment. The planting environment of gourd is also a good management work that we need to do in the planting process, so we must pay more attention to it! That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.