
How to build a "vegetable basket" to achieve balanced supply

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In recent years, various localities have coordinated to promote a new round of vegetable basket construction, promoting the stable development of production, increasingly rich varieties, continuous improvement of quality, and continuous improvement of the market system, ensuring vegetable supply and market stability as a whole. However, with the development of urbanization, all over the country

In recent years, all localities have promoted a new round of "vegetable basket" construction as a whole, promoted the stable development of production, increasingly enriched varieties, continuously improved quality, continuously improved market system, and generally guaranteed vegetable supply and market stability. However, with the development of urbanization, various places are also facing greater pressure in ensuring the balanced supply of "vegetable basket" products, and seasonal problems such as "buying expensive and selling difficult" and unreasonable variety structure occur from time to time. Beijing, Hubei and other places in the "vegetable basket" construction not only pay attention to overall planning and promotion, but also from the actual point of view, each has its own emphasis, to balance the supply of useful exploration.

Beijing City Supports the Construction of "Vegetable Basket" with Informatization

Digital management of farms and vegetable plots

According to the general requirements of Beijing City's "vegetable basket" project construction, Beijing City Agricultural Bureau has implemented the "vegetable basket" supply emergency support system construction project, further promoted the "vegetable basket" informatization construction, and strengthened the support of information resources and information systems for the "vegetable basket" supply.

Improve the "vegetable basket" project information system, service leadership decision-making and industry management. The system includes four subsystems: livestock and poultry farm information management, aquaculture farm information management,"vegetable basket" production data analysis and basic vegetable field information management, which realizes the online map of more than 2000 large-scale livestock and poultry farms, more than 4000 aquaculture farms and more than 7000 vegetable fields in the city, and provides decision-making reference for improving the self-sufficiency rate of main agricultural products. The system integrates the production data of vegetables, aquatic products and animal husbandry industries in the whole city, realizes the flexible statistical analysis of the production information of the "vegetable basket" products and the integrated analysis of the production and marketing information of agricultural products in the whole city, and provides decision-making reference for analyzing the supply and demand situation of the "vegetable basket" products. In addition, the system also integrates the source flow system of agricultural products and the quality and safety supervision system of agricultural products, which provides reference for the control rate and quality and safety qualification rate of service "vegetable basket".

Organize the development of "vegetable basket" APP software to serve the production and operation management of vegetable parks. "Vegetable basket" APP includes 4 modules: production and marketing files, market quotation, my vegetable garden and friendship links. Among them, the production and marketing files can record, query and manage the planting time, planting area, yield and sales volume and production cost of different vegetables, so that producers can know and arrange orderly; the market quotation shares the daily price data of vegetables in 21 wholesale markets monitored by Beijing City Agricultural Bureau, which can be customized by users to provide reference for reasonable arrangement of vegetable production and marketing; My vegetable garden can display information on the vegetable growing environment of the vegetable garden plot, as well as weather and video conditions in the garden, so that producers can cope with disastrous weather in time.

Focus on building a vegetable Internet of Things technology demonstration park and explore a new mode of integrated development of information technology and vegetable industry. Implement the construction project of "vegetable basket" supply emergency support system, install and deploy park video monitoring terminals and meteorological monitoring terminals for 25 facility vegetable standard parks, and realize remote monitoring of meteorological disasters in key parks. At the same time, in combination with the construction of new varieties and agricultural machinery technology test demonstration bases, a vegetable Internet of Things technology demonstration park was built, video monitoring terminals were installed in 25 greenhouses, Internet of Things sensing terminals were deployed in 40 greenhouses, and intelligent control demonstrations such as water-saving irrigation, greenhouse ventilation and shading were carried out.

Beijing City Agriculture Bureau

Hunan Province to build the provincial capital city "vegetable basket" direct sales project

Establish a collection and distribution center to open up production and marketing channels

Hunan Province has made every effort to grasp the production and supply of "vegetable basket" products, realizing stable investment in "vegetable basket" project construction funds, continuously improving product production capacity and steadily increasing farmers 'income.

Strengthen the organization and leadership of the "vegetable basket" project construction. In 2014, Hunan Province launched a new round of government institutional reform, and it was clear that the Market Information Department of the Provincial Agricultural Committee would undertake the coordination of the "Vegetable Basket" Project. The provincial "vegetable basket" project leading group office formulated the "stable development of" vegetable basket "product production extension performance management pilot work implementation plan", organized the municipal liaison meeting, and made careful arrangements for the "vegetable basket" project construction.

Pay close attention to the construction of production capacity of "vegetable basket" products. Increase financial input, in 2014, provincial investment of more than 33 million yuan, the development of "vegetable basket" product production. In the first half of the year alone, vegetable planting area increased by 5.9% year-on-year, and total vegetable volume increased by 6.09% year-on-year. Strengthen the financial fund support for the main pig producing areas, strengthen the price information service of pig market, and implement the pig collection and storage policy.

Create a provincial capital city "vegetable basket" direct sales project. Focus on the construction of "vegetable basket" direct selling project in provincial capital cities, and focus on the construction of "three major projects" for direct selling and distribution of agricultural products in provincial capital cities-direct selling terminal, centralized distribution center and service platform. By strengthening the support for the construction of direct selling outlets, the transformation and upgrading of stores, etc., actively cultivate direct selling and distribution enterprises, and guide the establishment of fresh supermarkets, community direct selling stores, farmers 'market direct selling areas, group unit distribution, e-commerce and other forms of direct selling terminals. Focus on sorting center, processing and packaging, refrigeration facilities, cold chain transportation vehicles, etc., promote enterprises to establish functional origin distribution center and Urban area distribution center according to local conditions, open up docking channels for agricultural supermarkets, agricultural cooperatives, agricultural schools and agricultural factories, and construct point-to-point production and marketing docking network. Improve the market information service system, realize the dynamic real-time update of demand, and guide the base to carry out planned production. Accelerate the application of new information technologies such as Internet of Things for agricultural products, remote monitoring HD video, quality safety traceability bar code, etc. in direct sales distribution projects, actively prepare e-commerce platform for direct sales distribution of agricultural products, and explore new distribution modes such as fixed-point distribution, door-to-door distribution and counter distribution.

By the end of last year, more than 1500 direct sales outlets of various types had been built in provincial capitals, with an annual sales capacity of 600,000 tons of agricultural products and an average daily sales income of 8.7 million yuan. The prices of agricultural products in outlet stores are generally 10%~30% lower than those in surrounding markets.

Hunan Province Agricultural Commission Market Information Division

Hebei Province vigorously develops facility vegetables

All vegetable industrial parks realize QR code management

The vegetable industry in Hebei Province takes the establishment of provincial modern vegetable industrial park and ministerial standardization as the starting point, vigorously develops vegetable facilities, pays close attention to market sales, strictly supervises quality, and the vegetable industry continues to show a good development momentum. In 2014, the planting area of melons and vegetables reached 20.54 million mu, with a total output of 88.73 million tons and an output value of 170.7 billion yuan.

Promote the construction of provincial modern vegetable industrial parks. A budget of 50 million yuan will be allocated to subsidize the construction of 100 provincial modern vegetable industrial parks. With facilities parks as the main focus, we will continue to promote the construction of solar greenhouses and plastic arches, promote ecological prevention and control technologies, and improve the level of green cultivation. Hold a conference on quality traceability and Internet of Things technology application of modern vegetable industrial park, train on quality safety, quality traceability, Internet of Things and integration of water and fertilizer, and create a park to realize QR code quality traceability management.

Do a good job in the establishment of ministerial standardization. The Ministry of Agriculture supported the vegetable standardization subsidy fund of 31.5 million yuan, and 33 founding units fully completed the creation task and passed the acceptance in November 2014. In addition, through public solicitation, voluntary declaration and expert evaluation, Juxin Vegetable Professional Cooperative in Fengnan District of Tangshan City and Jiacheng Vegetable Cooperative in Changli County are recommended to undertake the project of large-scale vegetable planting base with new facilities.

Promote Hebei vegetables to Beijing sales. In recent years, it has participated in many docking negotiations with Beijing City Agricultural Committee and Agricultural Bureau, and held two negotiations with Xinfadi to promote production and marketing cooperation. From late July to the end of August 2014, the promotion activity of "Bashang vegetables entering the capital and Wumei" was organized with the Beijing Office of the provincial government, Beijing City Agricultural Products Logistics Association, Beijing Wumei Group and vegetable cooperatives in Zhangjiakou County of Hebei Province, promoting the sales of 10,000 tons of vegetables in off-season in Bashang. Together with the Provincial Office in Beijing and the Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office, jointly organize the "Promotion Activity of Agricultural Products in Poverty Alleviation Demonstration Areas around the Capital". Promote "agricultural super docking" and "agricultural cooperative docking". At present, 90 Hebei vegetable professional cooperatives have established stable production and marketing cooperation relations with more than 20 supermarkets in Beijing City, with an average daily supply of more than 1000 tons, accounting for about 36% of supermarket purchases. Eight cooperatives have built 108 chain stores in Beijing residential communities, with a daily business volume of more than 200 tons, an increase of 30% over 2013.

Effectively grasp product quality management. Subsidy funds above provincial level shall be mainly used for pollution-free and green production materialization subsidies, and guide the founding units to promote ecological prevention and control technologies. Guide producers to improve production management files, implement quality traceability system, incorporate the application of bar code and two-dimensional code information technology to establish quality traceability system into the assessment and acceptance system of vegetable production support projects above provincial level, implement one-vote veto, and more than 130 project undertaking units have established traceability system.

Vegetable Industry Development Division, Department of Agriculture, Hebei Province

Chengdu City Promotes the Construction of "Vegetable Basket" Project as a Whole

Base gradient transfer stable supply

Chengdu City of Sichuan Province put forth efforts to systematically study and promote the construction of "Vegetable Basket" Project as a whole. The output of "Vegetable Basket" products increased steadily, the varieties were increasingly rich, the quality was constantly improved, and the market system was gradually improved. The construction of "Vegetable Basket" generally maintained a stable and rapid development momentum.

Focus on the construction of production bases and consolidate the foundation of "vegetable basket". In 14 districts (cities) and counties have established production bases for "vegetable basket" products to realize the gradient transfer of production. Support the improvement of the existing perennial basic vegetable base capacity in this city and establish the minimum pig holding system. At the same time, promote regional cooperation to build bases.

To improve the market system as the key to ensure the circulation of "vegetable basket" products. Encourage wholesale markets to speed up informatization construction and carry out transportation business inside and outside the province. The city gradually formed a wholesale trading and circulation system of agricultural products with 4 large wholesale markets as the core and 17 wholesale markets of origin as the hub. The vegetable market will be regarded as a supporting public welfare facility for urban public construction, a standardized vegetable market will be built, and the old market will be standardized. Establish a state-owned "Yimin Vegetable Market Management Company", establish a negotiation pricing mechanism with settled sales enterprises, sell cheap agricultural and sideline products at a price 10%~15% lower than the surrounding traditional market; encourage "agricultural super docking", and many supermarket enterprises in the city have established direct procurement relations with more than 240 farmers 'professional cooperatives.

Take quality supervision as the core to ensure the safety of "vegetable basket" products. Establish an emergency response mechanism for agricultural product quality and safety, and establish a nationwide leading and full-process supervision traceability system for pig product quality and safety. Strengthen the supervision system for the use of agricultural inputs, the management system for agricultural production bases, and the supervision system for the quality and safety of agricultural products. Promote the construction of county-level agricultural product quality and safety inspection system project. By the end of 2014, 12 districts (cities) and counties of 14 second-tier and third-tier districts (cities) and counties in Chengdu have been included in the project construction of Ministry of Agriculture.