
The latest parsley seed germination method

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Parsley is a vegetable that many people like to eat, but it is also a vegetable that many people hate. However, overall, the market demand for coriander in our country is still very large. The seed coat of coriander is hard, so we need it before sowing.

Parsley is a vegetable that many people like to eat, but it is also a vegetable that many people hate. However, overall, the market demand for coriander in our country is still very large. The seed coat of coriander is relatively hard, so we need to do a good job of germination before sowing to improve the germination rate. So how exactly do you do that? Today, Xiaobian will bring you the germination method of coriander seeds. Let's take a look together!

1. Seed selection and shell rubbing

There are two varieties of coriander with large leaflets. The plants of large-leaf coriander are relatively tall, the leaves and stems are relatively large, and the taste is not very strong. And lobular coriander is opposite with big leaf coriander, the more popular on the market now is lobular coriander. Because the seed coat of coriander seeds is relatively hard, we must first rub the shell open before planting, and then separate the seeds. Then according to their own planting habits and conditions to do a good job of germination. Coriander seeds like cool, so germination work should be carried out in a low temperature and humid environment.

2, well water germination

Just said, coriander is a cool vegetable, so in germination, we can use well water to germinate work. Soak coriander in cold water for 3-5 hours, then remove seeds and put them in bags. Put the bag in the well again, but be careful not to put it into the water. The distance between the bag and the water surface should be kept at about 8 cm. But we can drench the seeds with well water every day and put them in the right place. About 7 days, coriander seeds will germinate, when about 40% of the seeds are found to be white, they can be sown at the right time.

3. Ground pit germination

Pit germination is also the use of parsley seeds like cool characteristics of germination carried out by the work. First, soak the seeds in cold water at about 18 degrees Celsius for about 12-24 hours. In the process of soaking seeds to change the appropriate water once, seed soaking will be taken out, dry water. The seeds are then placed in wet cloth bags, which are then buried in pits for about 20 hours to germinate. Attention should be paid to keep the soil temperature not high, which can also effectively improve the germination rate of coriander seeds. After half of the seeds are exposed, they can be sown. After sowing, pay attention to covering soil to promote seed emergence.

4, refrigerator germination

Before sowing coriander seeds, the shell of the seeds should be rubbed open, and then the seed soaking and germination work should be carried out. Soak seeds with gibberellin for about 11 hours, clean seeds after soaking, and then soak seeds with cold water for about 10 hours. Finally, remove the seeds and wash them again. After drying, the water will be dried. Then put it in a wet bag and put it in a refrigerator at about 9 degrees Celsius. Time control in 5-7 days or so, every day to take out the seeds washed again, and then flip. When about 30% of the seeds are white, they can be properly sown.

The above is a simple introduction to the germination method of coriander seeds. The germination method of coriander seeds is very many, mainly to everyone according to habits and other factors to choose reasonably. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!