
How to reproduce the latest red onions

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Red onion is a kind of onion-like onion, which can be divided inside, but each petal is not protected by membrane. it is mainly planted in the northwest, but it can also be grown in other areas. First of all, it is necessary to reproduce and raise seedlings before planting on a large scale.

Red onion is a kind of onion-like onion, which can be divided inside, but each petal is not protected by membrane. it is mainly planted in the northwest, but it can also be grown in other areas. First of all, planting is to reproduce and raise seedlings before it can be planted in a large area. At present, the reproduction of red onions is mainly the asexual reproduction of individual plants. Next, I will introduce it to you respectively.

1. Seed selection and retention

First of all, when planting in the previous crop, when the aboveground part did not wither, the bulb expansion period began to select seeds, select some strong species with good conditions, and then tie the red rope to make a mark, and the management should be differentiated and more careful and considerate. Then, after harvest, these species and plants are collected together for treatment and preservation. Just put it in a ventilated place, because it can be planted again in September. To sow seeds, choose large bulbs to plant.

2. Land selection and preparation

Choose flat land higher than the ordinary ground for planting, the soil had better not be sticky, can not be hardened, under such conditions and then improve the application of farm manure, it is best to form a sandy loam with water and fertilizer conservation. The planting bed should be set according to the specification of 5 to 7 meters long and 1 to 1.2 meters wide. First to cultivated land, you can repeatedly cultivated several times, and then in fine crushing all the soil, and finally leveling the land, spraying treatment, three days later planting.

3. Planting

Before planting, the stem needs to be sprayed with some disease control agents, such as 50% chlorothalonil or carbendazim spray with water, then separate the bulb into a petal state, and then plant according to the space of 3 cm and 4 cm apart. However, it can also be planted freely, and onions can be planted more densely. Insert the bulb petal directly into the soil, generally insert 2/3 of the bulb, expose the growing point, be careful not to insert inverted, do not germinate, it will rot. Then press the soil next to it to fix it to prevent it from tilting.

4. Seedling stage management

After planting, you need to water it, but you don't have to water it every day, because the bulb itself has a lot of water, about once every three days, and when you first plant it, you don't need to water it, and then after sprouting, about 80% of the bulbs sprout, and you can water it again. At this time, it is basically out of the stage of supplying nutrient water to the bulb, and light fertilizer and water should be applied at the same time, mainly compound fertilizer. There is no need for seedlings after direct planting, but those who have not emerged should be replanted in time and catch up with other growth periods.

The main reproduction method of red onions is in the way of asexual ramet reproduction, the above mainly introduces the reproduction process of red onions, hope to give you some reference help, so that they have some help to plant, and then welcome to continue to pay attention to other agricultural updates.