
The latest seedling raising method of sweet potato

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Sweet potato, the scientific name of sweet potato, mainly eats underground swollen roots. Seeds are like pods and can be used as insecticides. at present, they are cultivated in various parts of our country and are regarded as a kind of juicy fruit for relieving summer heat. Planting mainly depends on seed propagation, the seed is hard and difficult to germinate, and it is necessary to soak the seed.

Sweet potato, the scientific name of sweet potato, mainly eats underground swollen roots. Seeds are like pods and can be used as insecticides. at present, they are cultivated in various parts of our country and are regarded as a kind of juicy fruit for relieving summer heat. Planting mainly depends on seed reproduction, seeds are relatively hard and difficult to germinate, it is easy to survive after soaking seeds to accelerate germination, and it takes a long time for direct seeding to emerge. Today, what we want to do is the method of raising sweet potato seedlings.

1. Keep the seed

When planting in the previous season, it is necessary to keep the seeds of the next season. To keep seeds is to choose large full pods that are not bitten by insects when the pods are mature and yellow. after picking them, peel them off, and take out large seeds that are mature, discolored, and not full. If the pods are completely dry, you can seal the seeds directly. if not, you can dry and burst the seeds first and then take the seeds for preservation.

2. Land selection and preparation

Need to be transparent, water and fertilizer conservation, deep non-sticky sandy loam planting, sowing cultivated land to a depth of 30 to 40 centimeters, which is conducive to root growth. After ploughing, base fertilizer should be applied, generally about 1000 jin of livestock fertilizer per mu, 100 jin of plant ash and 50 jin of calcium superphosphate, with more fertilizer, because the root likes fertilizer and needs more fertilizer for growth. After fertilizing, it is necessary to mix the fine soil, and then bury it in the ground, covered with 8 centimeters of non-fertile soil, and then flatten the land.

3. Deal with the seeds

The seed is bigger, harder, the skin is thick, then the skin is tough, direct seeding, germination is difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to soak the seeds and speed up the budding treatment, and then sow the seeds, and the seedlings will emerge quickly and smoothly. First soak the seeds in 55 degrees hot water for 20 minutes, then soak them in 25 to 30 degrees warm water for about 10 hours. After the seeds have absorbed enough water, take them out to dry and wrap them with clean wet towels and put them in an electronic temperature control box to accelerate germination. Flush out the mucus every day to avoid rotten seeds. After about a few days, take out the sprouted seeds and sow them first, and then sow them later.

4. Sowing seeds

Sowing directly and then sowing with hand-dug holes on the seedling bed, generally sowing plants with a distance of 3 cm and 5 cm between rows, sowing directly and covering a soil layer of 1 cm. If it has already sprouted, more, the soil cover can be reduced again. You can also insert seeds directly to expose the upper end of the exposed buds to the surface of the soil, and the rest into the soil. Water should be watered after sowing, and the moist soil is closely combined. If you encounter high temperature and strong light, cover the sun and water it in the evening.

5. Management

After emergence, some of the slower seedlings can be checked once when 50% of the seedlings emerge. The rotten seeds should be replenished, and the seedlings should be replenished on a cloudy day. Apply some light fertilizer and water in time to promote the seedling. After completing the seedlings, the seedlings were divided once, leaving the strong seedlings, and then without fertilizer and water, refining the seedlings, applying enough fertilizer and water one week before transplanting, and pouring water thoroughly before transplanting.

Sweet potato is mainly planted by seeds, but the seeds are hard, so seedlings need to pay special attention. Artificial seed soaking and resowing is a common method in production, but it may take time, and the seed soaking temperature should be adjusted. The above contents can be used for reference.