
The latest leek leaves small reasons and solutions

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Chives are a kind of good food that many people like to eat. They are often used to fry eggs or make dumplings in life. However, growers find that the leaves of leeks are longer and thinner when planting, which brings a lot of trouble to growers. What is the reason why the leek leaves are longer and thinner?

Leek is a kind of skill that many people like to eat. In life, they often use it to scramble eggs or make dumplings, but growers find that the leaves of leek grow longer and thinner, which brings a lot of trouble to growers. So what is the reason why the leek leaves are getting thinner and thinner? Let's get to know it.

1. Lack of fertility

Lack of fertility is the main reason for leek leaves to grow smaller and smaller. Leek needs a variety of nutrient elements in the growth process. When nutrients are insufficient, its growth is slow, the leaves are underdeveloped, and they are thin and small. So when encounter this kind of situation, encounter leek leaf small should be fertilized in time, first remove the yellowing leaves, fertilize can be applied cake fertilizer, cake fertilizer is commonly used vegetable fertilizer, the main raw material is peanut fried, before the use of cake fertilizer should first be its ripening dilution in the application, otherwise the leek root system will be burned off, this method is suitable for small leek growers. If it is a large area grower, leek is even stubble harvest, fertilizing once after each harvest, fertilizer is recommended to use organic fertilizer to ensure the quality of harvested leek, after harvesting twice, it is necessary to apply compound fertilizer and ammonium sulfate, apply it in batches and pay attention to uniform fertilization, which is conducive to the balanced growth of leek.

2. Harvest many times

Leek can be harvested many times, and can be harvested many times at one time. If there are too many harvesting times, the leek will gradually become malnourished. This situation belongs to the natural law, and even fertilization can not be changed. So in order to ensure the taste and quality of leek, it is necessary to correspondingly reduce the number of harvest. In fact, the tender leek in our life is the leek harvested for the first time. The taste of the first round of leek is the best, but the taste of the later harvest is rougher and the nutritional value will be reduced.

3. Root system problem

Root problems are also one of the main reasons for the small leaves of leek, such as aging roots, the absorption of nutrients is weakened, its growth will naturally slow or stop, and the leaves will become small. Or leek growth time is too long, underground roots entangled, a long time will lead to root damage and rot, compassion will affect the growth of leaves. For this kind of root problem, the German root system of leek should be pruned and replanted to avoid aging and decay.

4. Diseases and insect pests

The main diseases and insect pests of leek are ground maggots, which mainly survive by eating leek roots underground. When leek roots are damaged, leek growth will be affected, resulting in small leaves. When the leek is getting thinner and more yellow, it is necessary to check whether it is caused by maggots, and if so, it is necessary to give medicine on time to destroy the maggots, so as to restore the growth of leeks.

The above is the reason why the leek leaves are small and the solutions are introduced. I hope I can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.