
Causes of early bolting of the latest radish and its preventive measures

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The phenomenon that radish only bolts and blossoms, the phenomenon that radish does not grow underground or does not grow is called early bolting, also known as immature bolting. Most radish varieties can go through vernalization and early bolting after 10 to 20 days of low temperature, but different varieties have different responses to low temperature. So for

The phenomenon that radish only bolts and blossoms, the phenomenon that radish does not grow underground or does not grow is called early bolting, also known as immature bolting. Most radish varieties can go through vernalization and early bolting after 10 to 20 days of low temperature, but different varieties have different responses to low temperature. So why would the radish bolting in advance? Let's get to know it.

I. the cause of occurrence

1. Temperature

Radish is biennial, vegetative growth is carried out in the first year, after low temperature storage in winter, bolting and flowering in spring in the second year, radish flower bud differentiation needs low temperature, which requires low temperature to carry out flower bud differentiation and cause flowering to do vernalization. The temperature and time required by different varieties are different. generally, the northern varieties require low temperature and long time, while the southern varieties require higher temperature and shorter time. In the area of use and in the same season, different varieties have different requirements for low temperature. generally, varieties of winter and spring require low temperature and long time, while varieties of summer and autumn can also go through vernalization stage under higher temperature. Small varieties have strict conditions for vernalization and are not suitable for bolting. Large varieties are easier to bolting than small varieties. Sowing in spring and sowing later will also lead to bolting and flowering of some plants.

2. Lighting

The long sunshine plant of radish can promote its flower bud development and bolting under the condition of long sunshine, so long sunshine is a necessary condition for flowering and bolting of radish. Therefore, spring cultivation is easier to bolting than winter cultivation, because although the winter temperature is low, but the growing point has carried out flower bud differentiation, and the winter sunshine time is cut off, which meets the conditions of flower bud differentiation. So if you want the radish not to bolting, you'd better control it above 11 degrees at the seedling stage, and keep the cold weather as much as possible during the growing period.

II. Preventive measures

1. Select superior varieties

It is necessary to understand the requirements of different varieties for low temperature vernalization, especially for spring cultivars, bolting will occur if southern varieties planted in the north are sown in early spring, and early bolting is not easy to occur if introduced and planted at lower local temperature.

2. Timely guarantee

Understand the temperature conditions needed for flower bud differentiation of planting varieties, sowing time temperature should be higher than its vernalization temperature, so that it can not bolting or less bolting.

3. Temperature control

In the whole temperature control, the early stage is the high temperature maintenance stage, and the later stage is the low temperature control stage, that is, the high temperature in the seedling stage, in order to promote seed germination and seedling growth, so as to avoid low temperature vernalization. Therefore, sooner or later, the sowing time must be based on the effect that can be achieved by heat preservation. If it is difficult to keep warm, the sowing date must be postponed.

4. Strengthen the management

Before sowing, the soil must be ploughed, covered with plastic film and arched shed with rotten organic fertilizer as base fertilizer, and sown when the greenhouse temperature is stable above 11 degrees. After sowing, the shed is airtight to prevent low temperature. When the temperature is higher than 25 degrees, it is necessary to ventilate properly. After the temperature rises, it is necessary to increase ventilation at noon. When the fleshy root expands, it is appropriate to keep the temperature at 18-20 degrees to prevent high temperature from inhibiting growth.

The above is the introduction of the reasons for early bolting of radish and preventive measures, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.