
What about the latest freezing injury of tomatoes?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Tomato is a kind of special vegetable, which can be made into delicious dishes and eaten raw as fruit. It has a large market in our country. Tomatoes have a very long history in China, but there are still a lot of tomatoes in planting.

Tomato is a special vegetable, which can be made into delicious dishes and eaten raw as fruit. It has a large market in China. Tomatoes have a long history of cultivation in China, but there are still many problems in tomato cultivation, among which freezing injury is more common. What about tomato freeze? Any symptoms? How to prevent it? Let's take a look below!

1. Freezing symptoms

Tomato freeze damage generally occurs in winter, with the winter temperature gradually decreased, winter and spring crops of greenhouse tomatoes often suffer from low temperature infestation. Cause tomato frostbite, frostbite, tomato in the plant cotyledons began to fade green, and the phenomenon of leaf roll, frostbite parts from green to yellow. Sometimes it causes the entire leaf to die. If it is frozen after planting, the new roots will be blocked and the old roots will be yellow. Light will prolong the flowering and fruiting period of tomatoes, and heavy will lead to the death of tomato seedlings.

2. Causes of occurrence

Tomatoes with freezing damage are generally at the edge of the greenhouse, and the heat preservation ability of the greenhouse edge is relatively poor, so the plants are also vulnerable to freezing damage. In addition, sometimes the weather is unstable, and the soil cannot be kept warm in time when it cools. The temperature in the shed is lower than the tolerance range of tomato damage, resulting in plant freezing injury. There is also the phenomenon of heavy snow in winter, snow accumulated on the surface of the shed into snow, not easy to melt, not timely treatment, snow generated cold air invasion shed. Cause long-term low temperature environment, appear freeze injury dead seedling and so on.

3. Prevention and control methods

Renovation of greenhouses

In the establishment of greenhouse planting, attention should be paid to ensure that there is a reasonable layout, arch should not be too large, conditional use of iron frame as the framework of the greenhouse, improve the load capacity of the greenhouse. Then in the shed film to press the film line to compact it, for air leakage leakage to repair in time. After covering the shed film, put appropriate amount of grass felt on it to protect the shed film. Then in the greenhouse to increase the appropriate amount of manure, can effectively improve the low temperature, after entering the winter can use charcoal fire or geothermal line and other methods to warm up measures.

strengthen management

While warming up the greenhouse, we should also do a good job of ventilation. After warming up, we should properly ventilate once to improve the air quality in the greenhouse and reduce the humidity. Water in advance before frost, do a good job of overwintering water, and properly increase the temperature in the shed. Then you can also use fumigation to raise the temperature inside the shed. Combined with disease prevention, it is carried out in the greenhouse at midnight every day. The next morning, the temperature will also increase significantly.

The above is a brief introduction to how to do tomato freeze injury. Tomato freeze injury will have a serious impact on yield, so we must pay more attention to planting, ensure the normal growth of tomatoes, improve planting efficiency. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!