
The latest course of cultivation techniques of wax gourd

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Wax gourd is widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia. it is a vine melon, and there are also wild species, which have the effect of anti-inflammation and diuresis. Wax gourd is a vegetable originated in China. At present, wax gourd is a universal vegetable with a very long history of cultivation.

Wax gourd is widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia. it is a vine melon, and there are also wild species, which have the effect of anti-inflammation and diuresis. Wax gourd is a vegetable originated in China. Wax gourd is a universal vegetable and has a long history of cultivation. So there are a lot of cultivation experience, and some specific cultivation techniques will be introduced in detail next.

1. Planting

Ridging, 2 meters wide. Ditch width of 30 cm, ditch depth of 30 cm, to do high border planting, can be planted in a single row, plant spacing of 90 cm, row spacing to ditch row, autumn planting plant spacing of 70 cm. After planting, seedlings should be raised and transplanted, and then the planting should be covered with plastic film. The seedlings are raised in a seedling tray, and the seedlings can be transplanted with two real leaves. The planting depth is 4 cm, burying the root neck of the soil. Before transplanting, 50% carbendazim 500 solution should be sprayed for disinfection, and light fertilizer and water should be applied to maintain the vitality of the seedlings.

2. Increase the fruit setting rate.

After the wax gourd fruit, a plant only leaves about 3 fruits, because the fruit is larger, absorbs a lot of nutrients, and it is easy to drop fruit if it is not supplied, so it is better to choose to retain the fruit first. Can be artificially pollinated when flowering, to ensure successful fertilization, develop into fruit, flowering to prevent physiological falling flowers, can be sprayed. It is necessary to prevent diseases and insects from gnawing on flowers and causing underdeveloped deformed fruits.

3. Fertilizing and watering

After planting, we should quickly fertilize and water, but do not apply high concentration fertilizer, it is best to help rapid growth, in the vine flourishing period to more watering, nitrogen fertilizer, a plant to apply 1 jin of urea half jin of potash fertilizer, to ensure that the vine meets the growth standard. Then topdressing once before flowering, the fruiting period should be water and fertilizer for many times, once every half a month, applying 3 jin compound fertilizer at a time, watering once a week, more water is needed, and the soil will be watered when the soil is dry. A small number of times.

4. Build up and tie up the vine

Wax gourd vines are developed, must build, do not build, that wax gourd vine can spread all over the garden, can not move, management is inconvenient, so in the length to 20 centimeters can be built, can be inserted, can also be built. It is best to build a fence, receive good light, convenient management, you can make a hanging net for wax gourd, hanging after knot.

5. The appropriate time for harvest

It can be harvested more than a month after the flowers are withered, specifically to observe the size and color of wax gourd, whether it is mature, not fertilizing and watering, harvest with scissors, which is conducive to preservation. Harvest not too late, not resistant to storage, easy to rot.

In fact, the cultivation of wax gourd is to ensure the survival of seedlings, after planting is mainly to promote flowering, improve fruit setting rate, so as to ensure fertilization and nutrition in the later stage, can achieve the goal of high yield.