
The latest chives black root control methods

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Leek is a common market in our life, unique flavor, deeply loved by many people, and many growers will appear black root phenomenon when planting leek. If the black root is not controlled in time, it will have a great impact on the growth and yield of leek.

Leek is a common market in our life, the flavor is unique, loved by many people, and many growers will appear the phenomenon of black root of leek when planting. If the black root is not controlled in time, it will have a great impact on the growth and yield of leek, so what are the symptoms of the black root of leek? How to prevent and cure it? Let's get to know it.

1. Symptoms

The black root of leek is mainly harmful to the leaf sheath and yellow leaf tip of leek, the damaged part will appear brown or light brown rot at the beginning, and then cotton-like hyphae can be seen winding or caking. In the middle and later stage, yellow-brown or dark-brown rapeseed-like sclerotia were formed between the outer leaf sheath and the new leaves, and in severe cases, a tube-shaped black sclerotia thick scab formed at the root of the leek.

2. The regularity of the disease

The black root of leek mainly occurred from the end of March to the first ten days of May, and reached the peak in mid-late April. The disease was more serious in the fields with low-lying terrain, continuous cropping for many years, soil sticky weight, stagnant water in the field, partial application of nitrogen fertilizer and overplanting. In addition, when the humidity in the field is high, it will also induce the disease, resulting in blackening and decay of the root system, causing great harm.

3. Prevention and control methods

Physical control: clean up the field, crop rotation, concentrate on cleaning and destroying the disease and debris after harvest, strictly prevent the spread of bacteria, implement reasonable rotation, and cover the soil not too deep in winter. Strengthen cultivation management, reasonable close planting, improve plant permeability, balanced fertilization, avoid partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, watering to adopt the principle of frequent watering with small water, keep in mind flood irrigation and pay attention to drainage after rain.

Chemical control: when diseased plants are found in the field, the diseased plants are removed in time and taken out of the field for destruction, and chemical control is carried out. The commonly used medicaments are Sclerotinia Jing, ethidium sclerotiorum, Prochloraz, carbendazim, carbendazim, methyl thiophanate and other agents, spray or irrigate root control, once every 7-10 days, 3-4 times in a row, the effect is better.

The above is the introduction of the prevention and control methods of the black root of leek. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.