
"garlic is ruthless" has made a comeback, prices have soared, but trading volume has fallen.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, In Beijing, for example, the wholesale price of garlic in the Xinfadi market averaged 2.5-3.2 yuan per jin in June, double that of two months ago. At present, it is the season for concentrated listing of vegetables, and the oversupply has led to a drop in the prices of most vegetables on the market. Can there be

Take Beijing as an example, the wholesale price of garlic in Xinfadi market in June averaged 2.5-3.2 yuan per catty, double that of two months ago.

At present, it is the season when vegetables are concentrated on the market. Oversupply has caused most vegetable prices to fall on the market. There can be a variety, the same is the peak of the market, but the price is rising, this is garlic.

The reporter learned that since the listing of new garlic in mid-May, the wholesale price of garlic has risen all the way, and there is a tendency for "garlic you are ruthless" to make a comeback. At the same time that the price is rising, the market trading volume of garlic is constantly declining, and even there is a price without a market. Without sales, garlic prices are supported by what? How long can this momentum last?

Recently, reporters visited farmers 'markets in some areas and found that garlic, which had been relatively stable in price for a long time in the past, is now soaring all the way, according to the Voice of China's Rural Areas,"Agriculture, Rural China." Take Beijing as an example, the wholesale price of garlic in Xinfadi market in June averaged 2.5-3.2 yuan per catty, double that of two months ago. Such a price, even the market stall owner Ms. Huang called "too much".

Ms. Huang: The price of garlic has risen too fast recently. When the new garlic was listed, the price was only more than 1 yuan a catty. Now the dried garlic has risen to more than 3 yuan. When we go to the market to purchase goods, I only enter 70-80 jin each time, sell a few days into a goods. Because the price rose so fast, this is not a necessity for cooking, expensive people do not buy, can not enter more.

Garlic prices in Beijing have soared, leaving Ms. Huang's stall empty and deserted. The reporter later visited Shandong Jinxiang and other garlic producing areas, found that the same is true. Jinxiang garlic dealer Xunguoqing told reporters that at present, the market garlic trading volume continues to decline, many dealers have maintained a wait-and-see attitude, dare not easily sell.

Xunguoqing: Now 2.5 yuan is already the highest psychological bearing price of some dealers. If it is higher, we will calculate the inventory cost, labor cost and return rate of these investments, which will be considered higher.

Even so, everyone is still optimistic about the late market price, and there is no intention to reduce the price promotion.

Shandong Jinxiang garlic broker Zong Xianxiao: Do not sell, to more than 3 yuan to sell.

Without the support of the market, why can the price of garlic rise so fiercely? Yang Hongkai, vice chairman of Xinfadi Agricultural Products Wholesale Market, explained that it was influenced by policy encouragement and hot money speculation. At present, there are even real estate developers in Shandong to launch garlic purchase plan, which promotes the wholesale price of Shandong origin to rise, and then drives the national garlic price to turn red.

Yang Hongkai: In Jinxiang, Shandong Province, when the new garlic was collected at the beginning, the government set a protection price of 1.71 yuan, and then the local real estate business hyped "2 yuan for a catty of garlic for a house". Garlic was originally worth less than 2 yuan, he hyped that you sell me a catty equivalent to 2 yuan, enough for a square meter house money, I will give you a square meter house, this is a signal to the market. As long as I have a product, he is hanging there like a reward. I can exchange garlic for real money at any time. The farmer feels that he should not lower the price.

For garlic farmers, At this time price reduction is also very inappropriate, Henan Province Puyang City Dongbiezhai village garlic farmer Wang Zhufeng told reporters, This year his planting garlic is small, Output also declined, Can only rely on the purchase price rising, To realize their own income.

Wang Zhufeng: Although the price has been high recently, the output is less, so it is similar to last year. Originally one mu of land can produce more than 2000 catties of dried garlic, this year only produce more than 1600 catties. When harvesting garlic, sell some small garlic as fresh garlic in the field. Now it is dried garlic, and the price can be higher.

It is understood that most of the garlic on the market at present comes from Henan and Shandong, because last year's price is relatively low, the two places have reduced garlic planting area, hot money is just looking at this characteristic, dare to invest heavily in speculation. Yang Hongkai, vice chairman of Xinfadi Agricultural Products Wholesale Market, expects the rally to continue until next year when new garlic is listed.

Yang Hongkai: Its base price is high. If it depends on the market regulation, it can only reduce the price after the Spring Festival every year when the new garlic comes down and the old garlic can't be sold. Before the Spring Festival, this garlic can be stored, garlic can be stored for up to two years, so it will not be concentrated on the market.

This year's garlic market can not help but remind people of 2010 and 2012 "garlic you ruthless", the future we should be more vigilant is "garlic you ruthless" after the price plummeted. Yang Hongkai especially reminded garlic farmers that the most important thing at present is to sum up past experience and set a sales "alarm bell" in mind.

Yang Hongkai: This year, the government suddenly gave a protective price, so the purchase price of garlic will be a little higher. If there is a protective price this year, it will certainly stimulate farmers 'enthusiasm for planting next year and increase some amount accordingly. In the previous stage, I specially went to Jinxiang to investigate. Jinxiang includes several garlic-producing areas in Shandong. The planting area of this year has not decreased, but it has not increased too much. Therefore, garlic still has a sales trend of fine water and long flow.