
What is the reason for the rust of the latest eggplant

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Eggplant is a common vegetable of eggplant fruit. Although it is common, it has high edible value and certain medicinal value. Every spring, people in the south will plant eggplant at home and harvest it in summer. However, because the growth and development period is in the summer season of high temperature and humidity

Eggplant is a common vegetable of eggplant fruit. Although it is common, it has high edible value and certain medicinal value. Every spring, people in the south will plant eggplant at home and harvest it in summer. However, because the growth and development period is in the summer season of high temperature and humidity, eggplant has a lot of diseases. It is common that there is a kind of rust on eggplant handle and eggplant, which affects the fruit quality. So what's going on and how to treat it? let's explore it together.

1. Reason

There is more than one reason, and the performance will be a little different. generally, the wind is too strong, and the eggplant appears to be rusty after rubbing against the branches, which belongs to physical reasons. After the thrips harm the eggplant, the eggplant fruit will be deformed and the pericarp will be covered with rust, but the leaves are often wrinkled and curled, and the tender shoots are hardened and shrunk. There is the occurrence of fruit rust after being harmed by red spiders, mainly after Xiehua, not only the rust skin, but sometimes the pulp will crack.

2. General prevention and cure

Field planting density needs to be reduced, do not plant too dense, it is best to grow up, there is no contact between each eggplant tree. Then the fruit of each tree can be covered with a simple transparent bag so that friction can be avoided and ripening can be seen. In addition, harvest in time after the result is mature, do not hang too much fruit, it is easy to aggravate friction. Finally, you can choose a shelter from the wind.

3. Control thrips

The thrips are afraid of light and will go out at night and take medicine when it is just dark. Add thrips like to lurk in the underground soil, so medication, to carefully spray the ground. The drug can kill thrips through cracks. Thrips like to cluster to harm young shoots. Pay attention to spraying chemicals. Spray with 1.8% avermectin 2000 times solution or 1000 times avermectin EC. Fumigant can be used if there is harm in greenhouse planting.

3. Control red spiders

Red spider web permanent harm, after sucking juice excretion pollution, pericarp dehydration, stomatal blockage, the upper tissue gradually rough cork. If the fruit grows rapidly at this time, it will crack. Spray drugs such as propargite when the weather is cool. Fertilization and watering management, improve the tree potential, resist the harm of red spiders. Choose sandy loam to plant, choose long eggplant varieties to be more resistant to disease.

Eggplant rust is mainly caused by insects, and it may also be man-made, but the harm will be a little different and can be identified. If this happens, you can refer to the appropriate way to treat. It is very important to prevent in advance and do some preventive work.