
What is the reason for the latest balsam pear and rotten melon

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Balsam pear knot sometimes appear rotten melon phenomenon, many farmers encounter, do not know what the problem is. I don't know what kind of disease happened. In fact, balsam pear rotten melon for more than one reason, not necessarily infected with diseases, there may be other reasons. So

Balsam pear knot sometimes appear rotten melon phenomenon, many farmers encounter, do not know what the problem is. I don't know what kind of disease happened. In fact, balsam pear rotten melon for more than one reason, not necessarily infected with diseases, there may be other reasons. So next let's take a look at what will lead to balsam pear and rotten melon, and how to prevent and treat it.

1. Epidemic disease

If infected with the epidemic disease, the main dark green disease spot, the edge of the disease spot is not obvious, the expansion speed is very fast. The plaque will gradually rot. Finally, the surface is white and moldy. High humidity is the inducement of the disease, and the prevention is mainly to choose high-dry planting sites and appropriate sparse planting. Prevention and treatment is to spray 75% chlorothalonil 600 times solution, or 80% spray gram wettable powder 600 times solution spray treatment.

2. Fruit fly

Fruit flies lay eggs in balsam pear and nibble on them after hatching. the harmful parts will turn yellow, flow gum and fall easily. Finally, there is the phenomenon of rotten melon. This is mainly to cover transparent plastic bags after stabilizing the fruit. Some attractants are used to trap and kill adults, and 90% crystal trichlorfon 800 times solution is used to spray to kill adults. The larvae in rotten melons were directly scalded to death with boiling water.

3. Melons

Some balsam pear are rotten before they grow up, and there seems to be no disease, which may be the phenomenon of melons. The reason is that the space is closed, the photosynthesis is poor, the nutrients are insufficient, or the plants are unevenly distributed and can not get nutrients to rot. It may also be a lack of elements, phosphorus, potassium, calcium. Prevention, calcium fertilizer can be used during flowering, and calcium fertilizer should be replenished continuously at seedling stage. It is best not to plant too densely.

4. Anthrax

The symptoms begin to rot from the middle of the balsam pear, the middle of the spot is dark yellow, the periphery is golden, and eventually it will gradually expand and may rot away from the disease. Prevention is mainly to disinfect seeds and soak them in 50% hydrogen peroxide for several hours. Or soak in hot water. The incidence of low temperature is serious, and the sowing time can be delayed. Spray with 700x solution of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder or 1500 times solution of 50% carbendazim wettable powder. Once a week, twice in a row.

Balsam pear rotten melon reasons are not consistent, but can be seen from the performance of rotten melon causes, and then a targeted treatment to improve the general situation of rotten melon.