
How to cultivate the latest Zanthoxylum bungeanum bud

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Prickly ash bud is the bud of Zanthoxylum bungeanum tree, the bud generally has no thorns, tender and bright, there is a kind of hemp flavor, is a difficult sprout vegetable. It is a kind of sprout vegetable that many people like. In the past, it was generally harvested when sprouting new shoots in spring, which was limited by time and had some effects.

Prickly ash bud is the bud of Zanthoxylum bungeanum tree, the bud generally has no thorns, tender and bright, there is a kind of hemp flavor, is a difficult sprout vegetable. It is a kind of sprout vegetable that many people like. In the past, it was generally harvested when the new shoots sprouted in spring, which was limited by time, and some affected the yield. Now the cultivation methods we are going to talk about are a little different.

1. Preparation for sowing

Chinese prickly ash is collected together with the seeds, and then begins to be threshed. The seeds are taken out and preserved, and sprouting is accelerated by sand stratification in spring. Prepare sandy loam with sunny shelter, convenient irrigation, good drainage and loose. In February, the soil can be turned over, fertilized and mixed with soil to make the border, 1.2 meters wide and 10 centimeters high. The trench is about 20 centimeters. The soil of the border surface can be screened, and the soil is fine and fluffy and easy to sprout.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

After the seeds germinate, they can be sown after March. About 160 jin of seeds are sown on an acre of land, and the seeds are evenly scattered on the border surface. After that, there is no need to cover the soil, directly cover 3 cm of clean river sand, and the soil, river sand and seeds should be disinfected. After covering with plastic film, do not stick to the soil too tightly, affecting the growth of seedlings. Or get rid of the plastic film as soon as the seedling emerges, and the seedlings grow to 6 centimeters, and finally moisturize.

3. Transplanting method

To build greenhouses on other land, fertile and breathable soil should be built to protect the land from the wind and the sun. More greenhouses can be built. After ploughing, 2000 jin per mu of fertilizer is applied, and then seedlings are planted. The plant spacing is about 15 cm and the row spacing is 20 cm. Water should be watered after planting. Keep the humidity of the greenhouse at 80% every day, fertilize 100 jin of urea per mu in May, cover the sunshade net in summer, build the light intensity at noon, and take it down when the light is weak.

4. Picking and pruning

After the transplanting growth is stable, it can be picked until September. It is about 144 centimeters long to pick. You can pick once every two days, leaving 3 compound leaves each time to promote sprouting and keep sprouting. The last pick in September should leave general lateral buds unpicked. After that, you need to prune the tree to 30cm so that it doesn't grow up and try to keep the buds as much as possible.

Prickly ash sprouts are rare wood sprouts, usually cultivated prickly ash trees can be picked, but affect the yield. Therefore, it is best to use the above budding cultivation techniques, one to maintain the budding potential, do not let the plant grow tall, bear pepper.