
How to grow the latest purple garlic? A course on High-yield cultivation techniques of Purple skin garlic

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Purple garlic is famous for its fat cloves, juicy cloves, spicy smell, mashed into mud and unchangeable flavor. it is not only nutritious, delicious and delicious, but also its garlic shoots and stalks are people's favorite vegetables. So how to grow purple garlic? Along with

Purple garlic is famous for its fat cloves, juicy cloves, spicy smell, mashed into mud and unchangeable flavor. it is not only nutritious, delicious and delicious, but also its garlic shoots and stalks are people's favorite vegetables. So how to grow purple garlic? Let's have a look with the editor.

1. Pre-broadcast preparation

Garlic is a kind of crop that likes cold, sufficient light, wet and afraid of dryness. It is appropriate to choose soil rich in humus, loose air permeability, strong water retention and drainage. It can be continuous cropping itself, but it is not suitable for continuous cropping with leeks, green onions and other crops, fine soil preparation should be made before planting, the soil should be fine, the ground is flat, and the size of the border should be the same. The root system of garlic is mainly distributed in the shallow soil layer within 25 cm, which likes to be wet and resistant to fertilizer, and its fertilizer absorption is weak, so it requires higher quality of base fertilizer. Base fertilizer to select high-quality organic fertilizer, can be applied per mu of 3000 kg of organic fertilizer and an appropriate amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer, combined with watering, fertilizer soil should be evenly applied in advance to avoid fertilizer damage.

2. Sowing seeds

Early sowing of garlic has a high incidence of leaf blight and early senescence of plants, so the general sowing time is from late August to late September, early sowing can be appropriate in warm and cool areas, and can be appropriately delayed in warm and hot areas. the selection and yield of planting garlic have great influence on the size and quality of seedlings, so it is necessary to choose to complete the dormant period, the young buds of seed petals are full and protruding, and the garlic cloves of about 5g are planted. Appropriate amount of water should be irrigated on the border when sowing, and the depth of the garlic ditch should be the same when sowing. When planting, the dorsal-ventral connection of the mother valve should be parallel to the row direction, so that the new growth is perpendicular to the growth direction, so that the leaves receive more light, and the effect of increasing yield is obvious. In addition, the planting density should be paid attention to when sowing, and the planting density should be selected according to the garlic production density, which is mainly harvested garlic moss and garlic head, and the general cultivation density is 50-60000 plants / mu.

3. Field management

It takes 7-10 days for autumn sowing garlic to sprout, at this time, there is no need for more fertilizer and water, the growth of leaves is mainly in the seedling stage, and the base fertilizer can meet its needs, so there is no need for fertilization, as long as it is properly watered. When the local lower bulb begins to develop, it is necessary to apply fertilizer, and it is necessary to apply nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer rationally. generally, 5kg urea and 0.3kg potassium dihydrogen phosphate are applied per mu. During the growing period of garlic mu, the bulb begins to expand and needs sufficient fertilizer and water supply. 0.2kg potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed in 20kg water many times per mu, and the effect is better. Proper ploughing and loosening soil after watering and fertilization can loosen the soil, increase air permeability, preserve soil moisture and fertilizer, and reduce the consumption of soil fertility.

4. Pest control

The main diseases of purple garlic are leaf blight, purple spot, rust, white rot, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and so on. Chemical control is generally in the early stage of the disease, can use 10% Shigao powder 1500 times, or 25% Shibaoke EC 1000 times, once every 7-10 days, continuous 3-4 times, the effect is better. Pests can be controlled by spraying with low-toxic herbicides 20-25 days after sowing.

The above is the introduction of purple garlic planting technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge. Please follow us.