
Do you want to be a new type of professional farmer?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Wang Fei, 33, is a new professional farmer in Xumazhuang Village, Liudianji Township, Xiayi County. last year, he was named one of the top 10 new professional farmers in the county, giving priority to more preferential policies. In 2012, he returned to his hometown to rent more than 100 mu of land and built a family farm.

Wang Fei, 33, is a new-type professional farmer in Xuma Village, Liudianji Township, Xiayi County. Last year, he was rated as the "Top Ten New Professional Farmers" in the county, giving priority to more preferential policies. In 2012, he returned to his hometown to rent more than 100 acres of land, built a family farm, planted greenhouse vegetables, fruit trees and food crops, he said: "All year round there is work, money to earn, life is no worse than city people."

Xiayi County is one of the 30 pilot counties for cultivating new professional farmers at the national level in our province. 950 new professional farmers will be trained this year. Since the class started on May 27,160 students have been trained in wheat production, vegetable facilities and edible fungi.

Our province has allocated 96 million yuan this year for training new-type professional farmers. It plans to train 58,500 new-type professional farmers of various types, among which, 500 to 1000 are trained and identified in each county of national pilot counties and 300 to 500 are trained and identified in each county of provincial pilot counties.

What are the benefits of being a new professional farmer?

Because the main task of cultivating new professional farmers is undertaken by the county government, the specific regulations vary from place to place.

For example, Xiayi County stipulates that the free policies enjoyed by new professional farmers include: technical training, obtaining scientific and technological materials, assessment and identification of new professional farmers, obtaining various scientific and technological information and market information, technical consultation and guidance on vegetable production, soil testing formula service, agricultural product quality and safety inspection service, and promotion of agricultural products; incentive policies include: Each person who obtains the certificate of new professional farmer will be rewarded 100 yuan, the model of new professional farmer will be rewarded, the industry leader will be rewarded, the production expert will be rewarded, the famous brand will be rewarded, and the scale production will be rewarded; the priority policies are as follows: Enjoy the national policy of benefiting farmers, declare and undertake agriculture-related projects, provide financial credit, enjoy expert technical guidance and services, enjoy higher protection in social protection, medical security, agricultural insurance, old-age security, etc., obtain new technologies, new varieties and new information, contract land, business premises and mechanical equipment contracted by the state and collectively, declare and promote higher-level farmers 'professional technical titles and identify practical rural talents, declare provinces, City demonstration professional cooperatives and agricultural materials business license, participate in the selection of village cadres and the selection of advanced individuals.

How to register?

According to the policy, the main work of cultivating and identifying new professional farmers is entrusted to the agricultural departments of county-level governments. The registration procedure is generally: first register in the village group, the village group reports the list to the township for examination, and the township then submits the list to the county new professional farmer leading group for examination and publicity.

What are the conditions for registration?

The new professional farmers of production and management mainly include large professional households, family farmers, backbone farmers 'cooperatives, etc. The new professional farmers of professional skills include agricultural labor force engaged in labor operations in agricultural enterprises, farmers' cooperatives, family farms and other new agricultural management entities for a long time. The new professional farmers of social service type include agricultural machinery service personnel engaged in agricultural prenatal, mid-production and post-production services for a long time, unified prevention and control personnel, village-level animal epidemic prevention personnel, Agricultural socialization service personnel such as rural information officer, rural broker, land arbitration mediator, soil testing and formula fertilizer applicator. Our province also includes returning entrepreneurs and demobilized veterans in the scope of new professional farmers cultivation objects.

In principle, the age of the breeding object shall not exceed 55 years old.

How do you cultivate them?

Implement the cultivation mode of "segmented, heavy training and participatory", arrange courses by stages according to agricultural production cycle and farming season, and carry out training for production and operation type, professional skill type and social service type by industry.

Pay attention to practical skill operation, carry out training modes such as farmer field school and sending education to the countryside, etc. At the same time, make full use of modern and information-based means to carry out online education and training, mobile Internet service, online information technology consultation, whole-process tracking management and assessment evaluation, etc., and open a new professional farmer network classroom.

new professional farmers

The new-type professional farmers refer to modern agricultural practitioners who take agriculture as their occupation, have certain professional skills and earn mainly from agriculture, mainly including production and management, professional skills and social service professional farmers.

Production-management professional farmers refer to agricultural labor force with agriculture as occupation, certain resources, certain professional skills, certain capital investment ability and income mainly from agriculture, mainly professional large households, family farmers and leaders of farmers 'cooperatives.

Professional skilled farmers refer to agricultural labor force with certain professional skills, mainly agricultural workers and agricultural employees, who are engaged in agricultural labor operation stably in farmers 'cooperatives, family farms, large professional households, agricultural enterprises and other new production and operation entities, and take this as the main source of income.

Social service-oriented professional farmers refer to agricultural socialized service personnel who are directly engaged in agricultural prenatal, mid-production and post-production services in socialized service organizations or individuals, and take this as their main source of income and have corresponding service capabilities, mainly rural information personnel, rural brokers, agricultural machinery service personnel, unified prevention and control plant protection personnel, village-level animal epidemic prevention personnel and other agricultural socialized service personnel.