
Causes of element deficiency in the latest towel gourd and preventive measures

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the cultivation and management of towel gourd, due to watering and fertilization and other reasons, often lead to the lack of trace elements, which will lead to the decline of plant growth, yield and quality will be affected. So what is the reason for towel gourd deficiency? Let's look at it with the editor.

In the cultivation and management of towel gourd, due to watering and fertilization and other reasons, often lead to the lack of trace elements, which will lead to the decline of plant growth, yield and quality will be affected. So what is the reason for towel gourd deficiency? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. Causes of iron deficiency

When the soil is too alkaline, too dry or fruit, and the low temperature is too low or the elements such as copper, manganese and phosphorus are excessive, it will affect the absorption of iron by roots, so it will lead to iron deficiency in plants. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the soil moist to avoid being too dry or too wet, and at the same time to control the application of alkaline fertilizer. When the plant is iron deficient, 0.1-0.5% ferrous sulfate solution can be sprayed on the leaves in time, which can quickly restore the symptoms of iron deficiency in the plant.

2. Causes of zinc deficiency

Soil alkali, zinc content is too high, the root system can not be absorbed, too much light intensity can easily lead to zinc deficiency, too much phosphate fertilizer will also absorb zinc. Therefore, do not excessive partial application of phosphorus, if zinc deficiency can be foliar spraying 0.1-0.2% aqueous zinc sulfate solution.

3. Reasons for copper deficiency

The main cause of copper deficiency is that the soil is alkaline or salinized, which seriously hinders the absorption of copper by roots, so when the soil is alkaline, it can be mixed with acid fertilizer, and 0.03% copper sulfate aqueous solution can be sprayed on the leaf surface, which can relieve the symptoms of copper deficiency in plants.

4. Causes of boron deficiency

Soil drought, alkali, hunger, excessive application of potassium fertilizer will affect the absorption of boron, timely watering, increase the application of organic fertilizer, improve the level of soil fertility, at the same time, we can also increase the application of potassium fertilizer, you can add an appropriate amount of potassium fertilizer, or spray 0.12-0.25% boric acid or borax aqueous solution on the leaves in the middle and later stages of plant growth.

5. Causes of manganese deficiency

Low content of soil organic matter, partial alkali, high concentration of salt and other reasons are very easy to appear manganese deficiency, so it is necessary to apply chemical fertilizer scientifically, not partial application of chemical fertilizer, resulting in excessive soil concentration, pay attention to the application of organic fertilizer, increase the content of soil organic matter, and improve soil vitality.

The above is the introduction of towel gourd deficiency reasons and preventive measures, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.