
Causes and Control measures of uneven height of eggplant seedlings

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Eggplant is one of our common vegetables, its seedling stage is very important, but many vegetable farmers respond that the growth of seedlings is relatively weak, and the height of plants is uneven, some of which are even more than 30 centimeters. This is the typical height disparity of eggplant seedlings.

Eggplant is one of our common vegetables, its seedling stage is very important, but many vegetable farmers respond that the growth of seedlings is relatively weak, and the height of plants is uneven, some of which are even more than 30 centimeters. This is a typical symptom of uneven height of eggplant seedlings, so why does this happen? How should we prevent and cure it? Let's take a look.

1. The reasons for the uneven height of eggplant seedlings

1. Improper climate

The eggplant seedlings are affected greatly by the high temperature and rainy summer, and the growth of eggplant seedlings is generally weak, such as strong growth in the past, but more cloudy and rainy days, weak light and high humidity, which will also aggravate the occurrence of diseases, so the quality of eggplant seedlings is not satisfactory.

2. Improper fertilization

Excessive application of base fertilizer, or fertilization is too low, the base fertilizer is not fully mature, which will give off a lot of heat in the process of fertilizer fermentation, which can easily cause root damage, affect slow seedlings and aggravate the uneven height of seedlings.

II. Prevention and control measures

When eggplant seedlings appear uneven height, must be adjusted in time, can not be delayed, once the more difficult to solve, so can be adjusted through the following methods.

1. Promote rooting

The root yield was irrigated with alginic acid and biological agent alone to promote the root growth and development of weak plants, reduce root damage, improve plant growth and narrow the gap between height and height.

2. Start the plant.

The overgrown plants are used for head yield and their side branches are left for pig production, which can not only adjust the difference of plant height in the field, but also promote plant health and increase yield.

3. Adjustment of falling vine

Under the condition that the growth of the plant is too high and the lower fruit is close to the ground, the rope can be dropped properly, and the difference of plant height can be adjusted.

The above are the reasons for the uneven height of eggplant seedlings and the introduction of prevention and control measures, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.