
The reasons for the lack of care in the latest cabbage and its solutions

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cabbage is the most common vegetable in our life, its planting is simple, so everyone will plant some, but very growers often encounter the phenomenon of uncaring cabbage when planting, which has a certain impact on the quality and yield of cabbage. So causing cabbage.

Cabbage is the most common vegetable in our life, its planting is simple, so everyone will plant some, but very growers often encounter the phenomenon of uncaring cabbage when planting, which has a certain impact on the quality and yield of cabbage. So what is the reason for the lack of care in cabbage? How to solve it? Come and have a look with the editor.

First, the reason why cabbage does not care.

There are many reasons why cabbage is unprotected, but in fact, the most important one is temperature and humidity. Increased rainfall will also cause many diseases, and these diseases will affect the growth of cabbage, in addition to making cabbage unprotected, it may even cause cabbage to rot. In addition, insufficient water supply or improper fertilization may also cause cabbage not to care, and another is that insect pests may also cause cabbage not to care, so preventive measures should be taken after knowing the reasons why cabbage is not.

II. Solutions

1. Scientific fertilization

Fertilization is extremely important for any crop. In the process of planting cabbage, if it is not fertilized properly, it may lead to poor growth in rural areas. Many people like to use nitrogen fertilizer to promote the rapid growth of Chinese cabbage, but it is actually a mistake. Cabbage fertilization should be based on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, combined with a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer. The cabbage can be fertilized after planting for 20 days, and then fertilized every other month, and foliar fertilizer is sprayed every other week after the heart is wrapped to ensure that the core is tight.

2. Adjust humidity

Cabbage needs a lot of water during the growing period, but it can not be watered blindly, do not water more and less, be sure to water evenly, and pay attention to weather changes and adjust watering properly. If the temperature is dry, it needs to be watered sooner or later, and if it rains for many days in a row, it should be drained in time.

3. Control temperature

Cabbage is mainly produced in winter, so it represents its strong cold tolerance, which means that its heat tolerance is not very good, so it is necessary to make more efforts in terms of temperature when planting. For example, when planting in a greenhouse, it can be kept at a constant temperature, which is beneficial to its growth.

4. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

Diseases and insect pests are a serious problem for all crops, once crops encounter diseases and insect pests will cause more serious consequences, so is cabbage. When Chinese cabbage suffers from insect pests, it will lead to non-inclusion, so in the process of planting Chinese cabbage, we should pay attention to the reproduction of insect pests and deal with them in time, so as not to miss the best time for control.

The above is the introduction of the reasons and solutions of cabbage. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.