Confucius Yong Lan
Zhilan was born in a deep valley, not because there is no one but not fragrant; a gentleman practices morality and does not change his character because he is poor. Therefore, it is said: if you enter the room of Zhilan and do not hear its fragrance for a long time, you will melt with it; if you are not good at living with abalone, if you do not smell it for a long time, you will also melt with it. The hiding place of Dan is red, and the hiding place of lacquer is black, so the gentleman must be careful where he is. Also said: not because there is no one but not fragrant, not because of cold and trivial; gas if blue Xi long do not change, the heart if blue Xi will not change.

Confucius, the name Qiu, the word Zhongni, Lu people in the Spring and Autumn period. He is the founder of Confucianism in China and a great thinker and educator in ancient times. At that time, at the end of slavery, he traveled around the world to persuade the master with his own political theory, but none of the monarchs accepted it, so he finally had to return to the State of Lu and set up a museum to teach apprentices for the rest of his life. The core of Confucius' thought is "benevolence" and "propriety", and its main thoughts are reflected in his immortal work the Analects of Confucius. Confucius loved orchids so much that there was a story about Confucius praising orchids in Confucius' Family Story. Confucius said to Zengzi Ri, "after my death, the merchants will become more and more, and the gifts will lose every day." Zeng Ziri: "what is meant by it?" Zi Ri: "it is good for businessmen to deal with virtuous people, and to give gifts to those who do not regard themselves as themselves." Do not know his son, regard his father; do not know his person, regard his friend; do not know his king, regard his use; do not know his land, regard his vegetation. The old days and good human settlements, such as the room of the orchid, do not hear its fragrance for a long time, that is, it will be transformed into it. And poor human settlements, such as into the abalone restaurant, for a long time but do not smell its stench, but also with it. The hiding place of Dan is red, and the hiding place of lacquer is black, so the gentleman must be careful where he is. " (volume 4 of the six Classics of Confucius) the Shang in the article, that is, Zi Xia, a student of Confucius, is Zi Gong, a famous disciple of Confucius. These two sentences mean that Zi Xia likes to be with people who are wiser than himself, so his moral cultivation will improve day by day: Zi Gong likes to get along with people who are not as talented as his own, so his moral cultivation will be lost day by day. What is the reason? So Confucius cited a series of metaphors to illustrate the effect of making friends and environment on character, and finally came to the conclusion that "good human settlements, such as entering the room of Zhilan, do not hear its fragrance over time, that is, with poor human settlements." such as entering the abalone restaurant "two comparative examples, come to the conclusion that" the gentleman must be careful where he is ". From then on, "the Room of Zhilan" became synonymous with a good environment and became an idiom for Songlan Meilan.
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Tonghe butterfly (Tian he butterfly) Chunlan
Zhejiang new and old species, selected by Zhou Huangen in Shengzhou, lotus-shaped flowers, beautiful leaves and fragrant flowers.
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Hsiao Lin Xing butterfly bean orchid
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