
First of all, rural modernization is the modernization of farmers.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The 18th CPC National Congress clearly pointed out that solving the problem of agricultural and rural farmers is the top priority of the work of the whole party, and the integration of urban and rural development is the fundamental way to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Promoting the integration of urban and rural areas is the only way to build a new socialist countryside.

The 18th CPC National Congress clearly pointed out that solving the problem of agricultural and rural farmers is the top priority of the work of the whole party, and the integration of urban and rural development is the fundamental way to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. Promoting the integration of urban and rural areas is the only way to build a new socialist countryside, and the essence of building a new socialist countryside is to realize rural modernization. As the subject of modernization practice and value, the degree of modernization of farmers determines the speed and quality of rural social development, and restricts the development pace of agriculture and rural modernization. In this sense, the key to realizing rural modernization should first of all be the modernization of farmers, which is not only the inevitable requirement of realizing agricultural modernization, but also the fundamental way, important guarantee and concrete embodiment of realizing rural modernization.

Farmers' Modernization is the fundamental way to realize Rural Modernization

Man is the most active and decisive factor in the productive forces. As the main body of rural economic and social development, farmers are an important force to realize rural modernization. The modernization of farmers is the fundamental way and inexhaustible driving force to realize rural modernization. First, the realization of rural modernization requires the modernization of farmers' way of thinking and values. In the traditional society, farmers' autonomy is weak, especially the subject consciousness is weak, which is basically dominated by the established status quo and complies with the pace of slow changes of the environment. Especially in the rural areas of some relatively backward areas, the narrow consciousness of small farmers, geographical consciousness, ethnic consciousness and conformist mode of thinking still seriously hinder the development, reform, harmony and stability of rural areas. In order to realize rural modernization, we must fundamentally change farmers' mode of thinking and value orientation, guide farmers with the concept of modern development, enhance their sense of innovation and desire for innovation, adapt to the new era and accept new ideas. from the ideological concept to adapt to the fundamental transformation of the mode of production and way of life in the process of rural modernization, only in this way can we constantly meet the needs of rural modernization. Second, the realization of rural modernization requires the modernization of farmers' mode of production. The goal of rural modernization is to transform agriculture from natural economic agriculture to highly developed commercialized, socialized and specialized agriculture, greatly improve agricultural output and quality, make rational use of agricultural resources, and protect the rural ecological environment. It is necessary for farmers to transform traditional agriculture with advanced science and technology, improve the level of agricultural science and technology, material and equipment, and manage agriculture scientifically. This requires farmers to fundamentally change the traditional mode of production, take the road of revitalizing agriculture through science and technology, and constantly improve the degree of modernization of agriculture. we will speed up the pace of equipping agriculture with modern material conditions, transforming agriculture with modern science and technology, upgrading agriculture with modern industrial system, and promoting agriculture with modern forms of management. Third, the realization of rural modernization requires the modernization of farmers' way of life. With the deepening of urban-rural integration, it has not only accelerated the pace of farmers going to the city, but also brought about profound changes in farmers' way of life. On the one hand, the family has changed from big to small. In the past, the village was the basic environment for farmers' life, and the family organization was a social organization with strong cohesion. As a result of the integration of urban and rural areas, the original form of production organization was redivided and recombined, making it open, independent and independent. On the other hand, the career choice of farmers has changed from singleness to diversification, and the development of urban-rural integration has broken the local concept and limitation of "agriculture first", making farmers embark on the income-increasing channel of diversified economy.

Farmers' Modernization is an important guarantee for realizing Rural Modernization

Rural modernization is a systematic project, which puts forward specific requirements for rural economic development, cultural construction and democratic political construction. In order to realize rural modernization, farmers need to have corresponding modern quality and provide strong guarantee in this respect. First, the development of rural economy is inseparable from the modernization of farmers. Without economic development and the increase of farmers' income, rural modernization is just empty talk. Farmers are not only the main body of rural economic construction, but also an important carrier for the transformation of agricultural scientific and technological achievements into productive forces in rural areas. Cultivating a new type of modern farmers with culture, technology and management and improving the overall quality of farmers is not only the inevitable requirement of agricultural modernization, but also an important way to increase farmers' income. Since the reform and opening up, the typical examples of scientific and technological enrichment that have emerged in various places show that farmers' mastery of scientific and technological knowledge is a prerequisite for rural economic development, and farmers' scientific and cultural quality and the level of using science and technology affect farmers' income. it also restricts the speed of rural economic development. Thus it can be seen that using modern culture to guide farmers of all ethnic groups to pursue the goal of modern life, understand modern agricultural science and technology, master modern professional skills and establish modern market concepts is the fundamental strategy to speed up the pace of farmers of all ethnic groups to get rich and the construction of a new countryside. Second, the construction of modern rural culture is inseparable from the modernization of farmers. Culture is the soul of society, and modern culture is an advanced culture that represents the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups and reflects the development direction of the times. It has strong cohesion and charisma, and can be highly recognized by the people of all ethnic groups. In order to build a positive modern rural culture, it is inseparable from the modernization of farmers, and farmers are required to have higher ideological and moral literacy and good living habits. it is necessary to vigorously advocate all ethnic groups to understand, respect, appreciate and learn from each other in terms of culture and customs. At the same time, we should vigorously advocate all ethnic groups to seek common ground while reserving differences, constantly enhance their sense of identity with each other, and, in particular, strengthen their high recognition of the motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, and socialism with Chinese characteristics, so as to form a civilized, harmonious, positive and enterprising social custom in rural areas, and enhance their consciousness and enthusiasm to participate in rural modernization. Third, the promotion of grass-roots democracy is inseparable from the modernization of farmers. Guided by modern culture, farmers firmly establish modern national consciousness, civic awareness, democratic rule of law and order consciousness, so that they can correctly exercise their rights, safeguard their rights and interests in accordance with the law, and faithfully perform their obligations. This is of great significance for strengthening the construction of democracy and the rule of law at the grass-roots level and improving the new mechanism of rural governance. In the process of rural modernization, with the flow of farmers' population, the change of the way of increasing income, the dilution of family concept and authority, and the reform of the mode of production, the connotation of social order and security in rural areas is very different from that in the past. the countryside has always been an important position for national separatist forces, extreme religious forces, violent and terrorist forces to compete with civilization. This requires farmers to improve their political quality and discrimination ability, and clearly recognize the reactionary nature of the "three forces" in creating hatred, advocating ignorance, harming lives, harming society, and moving against the trend of historical development. thus consciously stress the legal system, order, and counter-violence, make due contributions to the maintenance of long-term social stability, so that rural society can always maintain harmony and stability.

Farmers' Modernization is the concrete embodiment of realizing Rural Modernization

Peasant modernization and rural modernization are an interrelated and interactive whole. Peasant modernization is the concrete embodiment of rural modernization, and rural modernization is the concentrated reflection of peasant modernization. First, the modernization of farmers' concept is the concrete embodiment of rural modernization. The concept of farmers is their cognition and evaluation of the subjective and objective world, as well as their behavior orientation. Traditional farmers have formed a relatively stable concept of values, which is embodied in the consciousness of small-scale peasant economy, such as being content with the status quo, being old-fashioned, being full of small wealth, and small profits being sufficient. With the acceleration of the process of rural modernization and the reform of rural production relations, the traditional farmers' values have been greatly impacted, the lazy consciousness of being content with the status quo has deteriorated rapidly, and the old-fashioned concept has changed obviously. the mentality that small wealth is full and small profit is sufficient has been accelerated, and farmers' awareness of openness, risk, enterprise, competition, self-concept, rich and poor, and the rule of law have been continuously strengthened. This is an important sign of the modernization of rural areas. Second, the modernization of farmers' behavior is the concrete embodiment of rural modernization. The behavior pattern of farmers is the external reflection of their ideas, which is to a large extent subject to the social structure. Under the influence of traditional production and life style, farmers' behavior is conservative, passive and homogeneous. With the development of society, in the open and changing social structure, farmers' behavior has the characteristics of extroversion, aggressiveness and heterogeneity, and their professional roles are becoming more and more diversified, forcing them to take the initiative to go to society and adapt to society. Efforts to improve their social status, the radius of activities has gradually exceeded the closed boundaries of the countryside, and some have even gone out of the country, and the regional mobility and migration of farmers has become very common. This is an important sign of rural modernization. Third, the modernization of farmers' skills is the concrete embodiment of rural modernization. The degree of modernization of farmers' skills depends on the education level of farmers, the difficulty and supply of technology, the needs of real production and life, and other factors. Chinese farmers have been engaged in traditional agricultural production activities for a long time. Manual labor is not only the main way of agricultural production, but also the basic feature of rural society. With the accelerating pace of rural modernization, agricultural machinery has entered the field of labor production, scientific planting has become the main way to increase farmers' income, and modern agricultural technology has been rapidly popularized. A large number of farmers who become rich have become "tide riders" in the development of rural economy, and radiation has driven the surrounding farmers to increase their income and become rich, laying a solid foundation for building a well-off society in an all-round way. This is an important milestone in the modernization of rural areas.