
The latest time and method of planting black cabbage

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Wucai is a kind of high quality production with edible value and ornamental value. It is also one of the main vegetables in winter and one of the more popular vegetables. So when is the best time to plant vegetables? How to grow? Let's take a look. 1, planting time Wutu

Wucai is a kind of high quality production with edible value and ornamental value. It is also one of the main vegetables in winter and one of the more popular vegetables. So when is the best time to plant vegetables? How to grow? Let's take a look.

1, planting time

The cold-resistant ability of black cabbage is extremely strong, the growth period is generally about 70-80 days, the suitable growth temperature is between 10-25 degrees, most of the time in a year can be planted. Autumn sowing time is generally in August-September, when the temperature can be directly cultivated in the open field, and if it is winter planting, it can be listed before the Spring Festival, and the income is better, generally sowing around November.

2. Variety selection

The choice of varieties of black cabbage should be based on local soil, climate and other conditions to determine the planting time, if the choice is autumn sowing, it is best to choose a strong cold resistance, late bolting time, strong commercial varieties. For example, Shanghai small eight leaves, eight leaves and so on are good varieties.

3. Selection of planting land

Before planting black cabbage, the plot needs to be ploughed and fertilized. The soil is deeply ploughed for about 15 cm. Fertilization is carried out according to the actual fertility of the soil. 3000-4000 kg of decomposed organic fertilizer is applied per mu, with 5-8 kg of urea, about 50 kg of calcium superphosphate and about 12 kg of potassium sulfate. After fertilization, soil preparation can be carried out according to the terrain. The higher terrain can be used as a ridge, and the lower terrain can be ridged.

4. Sowing seedlings

Black cabbage can be direct seeding, can also be transplanted seedlings, autumn open field cultivation can adopt direct seeding mode, after sowing soil cover about 1 cm, before sowing need to keep the soil moist. The emergence speed of black cabbage is very fast, generally about three days can emerge, after emergence should pay attention to timely thinning seedlings, so as not to cause excessive watering seedlings excessive growth. The seedlings were fixed 30 days after they emerged, and the plant spacing was controlled at about 15 cm and the row spacing was controlled at about 30 cm.

5. Field management

The growth cycle of black cabbage is short, and the number of fertilization times in the growth stage is relatively small. Generally, thin fertilizer can be applied once after seedling determination, and compound fertilizer can be applied about 8 kg per mu. Later, topdressing can be carried out according to the growth of seedlings, and urea can be applied 5 to 8 kg each time. The soil should be kept moist, but too dry and wet. In addition, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. The diseases and insect pests of black cabbage are generally aphids, soft rot, whitefly, etc. Insect pests can be controlled with imidacloprid, acetamiprid, etc., while soft rot can be controlled with chlorothalonil and disinfectant alum.

The above is the introduction of the planting time and method of black cabbage. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to us.