
The latest measures for prevention and control of bean resting

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When growing beans, if there is a break in the beans. Then the bean plant growth will become weaker, the leaves will be yellow, the number of flowers will decrease and the phenomenon of falling flowers and pods will appear, so the bean yield will be seriously affected and decreased. The right and wrong planting benefits to farmers

When growing beans, if there is a break in the beans. Then the bean plant growth will become weaker, the leaves will be yellow, the number of flowers will decrease and the phenomenon of falling flowers and pods will appear, so the bean yield will be seriously affected and decreased. It is very disadvantageous to the planting benefit of farmers, so what should we do if there is a resting phenomenon in beans? The following editor has brought you the prevention and control measures of resting beans, let's have a look!

1. Maintain the environment

Rest generally occurs in summer, in summer, because it is easy to appear high-temperature and high-humidity environment, so beans are also easy to grow. If drought is added, it will inhibit the pollination of beans, thus causing the beans to rest. Therefore, if we want to prevent and cure resting, then we must first pay attention to creating a suitable growth welcome for beans. For example, control the planting density, strengthen the excessive growth of seedlings, do a good job of seedling refining, and so on. Avoid excessive growth of seedlings and keep sufficient room for each seedling to grow.

2. Strengthen ventilation

If beans are grown in a greenhouse, then we should also pay attention to ventilation to maintain a suitable greenhouse temperature. When you encounter the rainy season again, you should pay attention to timely drainage. Prevent the soil from producing too much water and affect the growth of bean roots, resulting in rotten roots and other phenomena, resulting in rest. As long as a suitable environment is maintained, the phenomenon of resting beans can be reduced in summer. If beans grow, then timely control, such as the use of hoe method to control the growth of beans.

3. Rational fertilization

Unreasonable fertilization is one of the main reasons for the rest of beans. When we grow beans, we should have a reasonable fertilization plan. When applying base fertilizer, too much nitrogen fertilizer should not be added to prevent excessive nitrogen fertilizer from causing bean seedlings to grow and affect the amount of flowers and pods of beans. And when fertilizing, it is necessary to control the amount of fertilizer according to soil fertility, and it is best to test the soil and mix fertilizer. Under normal circumstances, the base fertilizer per mu should be applied to mature farm fertilizer 3000kg, combined with appropriate amount of calcium superphosphate, potassium sulfate and so on. Then in the later stage, it is necessary to appropriately increase the proportion of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer and reduce the application of nitrogen fertilizer.

4. Pruning and topping

In addition to the above, we should also pay attention to do a good job of pruning and topping of bean plants. Control the pod position of beans to prevent them from setting pods too high, resulting in a decrease in yield. The lateral buds germinated at the bottom of the bean plant should be erased in time, and then the lateral buds about 50 cm upward of the main branch of the bean plant should not be retained. Improve the permeability of the base of the plant, and when the bean plant begins to cover the whole bracket, sharpening should be carried out. The leaf buds sprouted from the axilla should also be erased in time to avoid consuming too much nutrition, ensure the normal growth of beans, and prevent the phenomenon of rest.

The above is a brief introduction to the prevention and control measures of resting beans. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.