
How does Internet + 's Agriculture take off in the Wind

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Internet + 's agriculture is in the tuyere, bringing both opportunities and challenges. when the opportunities for great development and industrial upgrading come head-on, how to take off and implement China's agriculture in the wind requires more cold thinking and heat treatment from agricultural builders. At present, farmers in China

Internet + 's agriculture is in the tuyere, bringing both opportunities and challenges. when the opportunities for great development and industrial upgrading come head-on, how to take off and implement China's agriculture in the wind requires more cold thinking and heat treatment from agricultural builders.

At present, the efficiency of China's agricultural industrial chain system is low, the degree of agricultural modernization is still very low, and the industrial chain is facing "internal and external troubles". Embracing the Internet has become a new way out for agriculture in the future. as the most traditional industry, agriculture has the greatest potential to be transformed by the Internet. In 2015, the "Internet +" action was proposed for the first time in the government work report of the State Council, Internet technology began to be combined with more industries, and the development of the Internet entered the "industrial Internet" stage.

Deeply integrated industrial chain

Explore a new model of agriculture

"Internet + Agriculture" realizes the great-leap-forward development of the agricultural industry, and it is no longer just a simple Internet access to agriculture, or the integration of agriculture with the Internet, so as to realize the old models such as de-intermediation and improve efficiency, but successfully bring the Internet and social capital into the track of driving agricultural development. On the one hand, "Internet + Agriculture" promotes specialization, improves the degree of organization, reduces transaction costs, optimizes the allocation of resources, and improves labor productivity. On the other hand, "Internet + Agriculture" provides accurate, dynamic and scientific omni-directional information services for the determination of farmland rights, agricultural technology popularization, rural finance and rural management by means of facilitation, real-time, perception, materialization, intelligence, and so on. it is becoming a new engine for the great-leap-forward development of modern agriculture.

The implementation of "Internet + Agriculture" first needs to be supported by the construction and popularization of rural Internet infrastructure at the national level. On May 20, the General Office of the State Council issued the guidance on speeding up the Construction of High-speed Broadband Network and promoting Network Speed and fee reduction, clearly proposing that 14000 new administrative villages have access to broadband this year. Fiber-to-village construction will be implemented in 10, 000 administrative villages, and more than 95% of administrative villages will have access to fixed or mobile broadband. In the next two years, more than 80% of administrative villages will achieve optical fiber access to villages. Thus it can be seen that the state attaches full importance to the construction of Internet facilities in rural areas and has crossed the primary threshold of the popularization of agriculture and the Internet.

To sum up, around agricultural production, the whole agricultural industrial chain system includes agricultural material supply, agricultural finance, agricultural production and the circulation, processing and consumption of agricultural products. Through the combination with the Internet, breakthrough progress has been made in the circulation of agricultural materials and agricultural products.

On May 8, the State Council issued the "eight articles on E-commerce", proposing to strengthen the integrated development of the Internet and agriculture and rural areas, and the central government will allocate 2 billion yuan of special funds for rural e-commerce infrastructure construction. The introduction of this policy will further promote the development of agricultural materials and agricultural products e-commerce industry. In addition, the previously highly hyped Internet finance has also ushered in an industrial innovation development model of "1x", which began to combine the advantages of the Internet and finance to serve the third object. among them, the huge demographic dividend and capital blue sea in the field of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" will also attract social capital to continue to flow into the field of agricultural finance.

The key to promoting the real integration of the Internet and agriculture should focus on the integration of the whole industrial chain rather than just one of them. Similarly, Internet + agricultural integration of the e-commerce platform, not only the agricultural products to be sold online, but should consider the improvement and innovation of the agricultural industry chain.

Just like Lenovo's model of engaging in agriculture, it began to create a new model of deep integration of the Internet agricultural industry. Lenovo's transformation of agriculture is omni-directional, not only using Internet technology to transform production links to improve production level, but also using Internet technology to control the entire production and management process to ensure quality, while using Internet technology to innovate product marketing. finally, all links of agriculture are opened up, forming a complete industrial chain. For example, Ali Group is also laying out the industrial chain model of deep integration of Internet and agriculture, and plans to develop rural e-commerce based on its entire ecosystem. Alipay, Yu'ebao, Zhaobao, Ant Micro-loan and other businesses have been linked to rural areas. In the future, big data will be directly involved in the rural financial market to meet the capital needs of farmers.

"Internet + Agriculture" has innovated many novel combination models in exploration and practice. However, whether it is the intelligent agricultural model of the deep use of Internet technology, the e-commerce service model of agricultural products comprehensively used by Internet marketing, or the industrial chain model of the deep integration of the Internet and agriculture, wave after wave of capital is blowing a bubble through the concept of "agriculture + Internet". Or through profound transformation and deep integration of the agricultural industry to meet the Internet tide brought about by the huge development and industrial upgrading, time will give us the best answer.