
The latest prevention and control methods of low temperature obstacle in eggplant

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Eggplant is often attacked by low temperature chilling injury and freezing injury in the process of seedling raising or early or late cultivation, which is called low temperature obstacle. It will seriously affect the growth and development of eggplant, and it will also have a serious impact on the later yield.

Eggplant is often attacked by low temperature chilling injury and freezing injury in the process of seedling raising or early or late cultivation, which is called low temperature obstacle. It will seriously affect the growth and development of eggplant, and it will also have a serious impact on the yield in the later stage, so how to prevent low temperature obstacles? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Near ground cover

When cultivated in greenhouse, film, grass curtain, thermal insulation quilt, plastic film and other materials can be combined to cover, so as to achieve the purpose of heat preservation. Because the heating effect of different thermal insulation materials is different, each additional layer of film can increase 2-3 degrees, reduce heat loss by 30% 50%, and cover the second layer can increase the temperature by 6 degrees. If it is cultivated in the open field, the seedlings can be covered with plastic film near the ground in the early stage, so that the seedlings as a whole are under the plastic film, so that the heat preservation effect is better.

2. Supplementary heating

Before the cold spell comes, only relying on the greenhouse and multi-layer mulching conditions can not meet the temperature demand of eggplant, so it is necessary to take immediate heating measures. According to their own conditions, we can take a variety of means to replenish heat, such as fire channel heating, electric hot line, small water heating boiler and so on. But must not use the way of open fire smoking, so as not to smoke seedlings, but also affect the safety of life. If there are geothermal, power plant waste heat and other conditions, pipelines can use these heat sources to increase soil temperature.

3. Sowing and raising seedlings

When sowing, the sowing time and planting date should be determined, and the cold tail and warm head should be sowed or planted in a windless and sunny day as far as possible to ensure that the seedlings can safely emerge and survive. When raising seedlings, it is recommended to raise seedlings in a nutrition bowl, because the black plastic nutrition bowl has the function of absorbing heat during the day and keeping the root warm at night, and the difference between the temperature of the general nutrition bowl and the external temperature is 20 degrees, which can ensure that the seedlings will not be harmed by freezing, and can also carry out low temperature seedling refinement to enhance cold resistance.

4. Foliar fertilizer spraying

In the low temperature environment, the root absorptive capacity of seedlings is poor, so it is necessary to spray photosynthetic micro-fertilizer on the leaves to ensure that the seedlings are deficient in nutrition. At the same time, rice vinegar can also be sprayed on the leaf, which can play an important role in bacteriostasis and insect repellent. The mixed use of rice vinegar, white sugar and calcium superphosphate can increase the sugar content in mesophyll, improve leaf hardness and improve cold resistance. Be careful not to use any growth regulators in the greenhouse at low temperature, so as to avoid the cold resistance of its seedlings.

The above is the introduction of eggplant low temperature barrier prevention and control methods, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.