
The latest course of techniques and methods for prevention and control of chilling injury and freezing injury of cucumber

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cucumber in greenhouse is prone to cold injury and freezing injury because of the cold temperature in autumn, winter and early spring. The leaves turn yellow and the growth is damaged in early spring, and the plants wither and die in serious cases. So how to prevent and cure chilling injury and freezing injury? Let's get to know it with the editor.

Cucumber in greenhouse is prone to cold injury and freezing injury because of the cold temperature in autumn, winter and early spring. The leaves turn yellow and the growth is damaged in early spring, and the plants wither and die in serious cases. So how to prevent and cure chilling injury and freezing injury? Let's get to know it with the editor.

I. causes of low temperature and frost injury

The longer the actual low temperature and low temperature, the faster the temperature drops, and the more serious the chilling injury and freezing injury of cucumber, and vice versa. If the temperature drops slowly, then the symptoms of frost injury and cold injury will be lighter. If sunny weather occurs after low temperature, it will aggravate the cold injury and Dong Hao. If the low temperature encounters cloudy weather, the temperature will gradually rise, and the cucumber will gradually restore its physiological vitality. Cold injury and freezing injury will be lighter.

II. Preventive measures

Grafted seedlings can be adopted when planting. According to the experimental investigation, the withering rate of all ungrafted seedlings in the same greenhouse is more than 10%, while that of grafted seedlings is only about 10%. Before the Beginning of Spring, cucumber in greenhouse was very vulnerable to cold current, so applying less nitrogen fertilizer and controlling watering at the same time to avoid excessive growth of seedlings and reduce the cold resistance of seedlings, the freezing and cold injury of seedlings will be more serious. Can be in the cold spell before the arrival of some straw smoke, this can also reduce cold injury and freezing injury, but should pay attention to the amount of smoking should not be too large, lest the seedlings be smoked to death, but also pay attention not to cause open fire. After the cucumber is harmed by continuous low temperature, do not uncover the grass curtain immediately when it is sunny again. The second is to open the grass curtain step by step to avoid burning seedlings due to the sharp rise in temperature.

III. Remedial measures

Fertilizer and water management should be strengthened to prevent premature senescence of leaves. After the stem tip withered, fertilizer and water management should be strengthened to prolong the photosynthetic function period of the original leaves of the main vine. In every sunny day, keep about 28 degrees during the day and no less than 12 degrees at night. Irrigation under plastic film is needed once a week, and nitrogen fertilizer is applied in combination with irrigation every two weeks. After the cucumber plant returns to normal growth, its nutrition level is relatively sufficient, and a large number of lateral branches and return melons will be produced, but the marketability of melons on lateral branches is poor, and the main vine has a section of length, so it is necessary to coring all lateral branches to form a longer yield peak.

The above is the introduction of cucumber chilling injury and freezing injury prevention technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.