
Fruit management of the latest zucchini

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Zucchini is a very popular vegetable, which can be grown all over our country. When growing zucchini, if you want to improve the yield and quality of zucchini, then management is very important. In particular, fruit management should be done well.

Zucchini is a very popular vegetable, which can be grown all over our country. When growing zucchini, if you want to improve the yield and quality of zucchini, then management is very important. In particular, fruit management should be done to ensure the normal growth of zucchini. So how to manage the fruit of zucchini? Today, the editor has come to the fruit management of zucchini for everyone. Let's take a look at it.

1. Hormone protects fruit

When we plant zucchini, zucchini sometimes fall flowers and fruits, so we should pay attention to do a good job of fruit protection. And the most common way to protect fruit is hormone. Rational use of hormones to protect fruit, when the amount of zucchini flowers reaches about 2 to 3 left to right. Spray appropriate amount of urea, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and other mixture to protect fruit. Generally every half a month or so spray, its fruit protection effect is still very obvious.

2. Fruit thinning and bagging

In addition to doing a good job in fruit protection, we should also pay attention to properly thinning the fruit to avoid hanging too much fruit and exceeding the load on the tree. When we are thinning fruits, we should mainly remove diseased fruits, deformed fruits, small fruits and some dense fruits that grow too densely. The amount of fruit retained should be controlled according to the ratio of leaves to fruits, and attention should be paid to the variety. For example, some varieties leave about one fruit with 50 leaves, while others need about 100 leaves. After thinning the fruit, green crystal, carbendazim and other agents were used to sterilize and kill insects, and then bagged properly to ensure the normal growth of the fruit.

3. Rational fertilization

In addition to the first time, we should also pay attention to fertilizing work. In particular, we should pay attention to the application of stable fruit fertilizer and strong fruit fertilizer, usually in May every year, according to the tree potential. If the tree is weak and has a large amount of flowers, fertilize the soil once. The main fertilizer is phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to alleviate the phenomenon of physiological fruit drop. Then apply strong fruit fertilizer to provide adequate nutrition for the growth of zucchini. If the fertilizer is insufficient, then the growth of zucchini fruit will easily appear small fruit and abnormal fruit due to lack of nutrition, which will affect the yield and quality of zucchini.

4. Pest control

When it comes to fruit management, pest control is naturally indispensable. Among them, longicorn beetles, leaf spot and so on. We should strengthen management and often observe the growth of zucchini to ensure the normal growth of zucchini. At the same time, we should do a good job in fertilizer and water management, not excessive watering and fertilization, to avoid fertilizer damage and waterlogging damage. Thus leading to the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, when there is an abnormal situation of zucchini, it is necessary to find out the specific causes in time, and then make corresponding prevention and control to avoid the spread of the disease.

The above is a brief introduction to zucchini fruit management. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can be helpful to everyone.