
The latest Konjac mid-term management technology tutorial

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Konjac is a special vegetable, belonging to a corm vegetables. It is rich in nutrients and is welcomed by many people. The taste is soft and refreshing, and there is also a large market demand, so there are still many people who grow konjac now. the seed

Konjac is a special vegetable, belonging to a corm vegetables. It is rich in nutrients and is welcomed by many people. The taste is soft and refreshing, and there is also a large market demand, so there are still many people who grow konjac now. When planting konjac, we need to do a good job of management. Especially in the middle and late stages, how should Konjac be managed in the middle and late stages? Today, Xiaobian brought you the management technology of konjac in the middle and late stages. Let's take a look at it together!

1. Water management

Konjac prefers to grow in a humid environment, so it is necessary to maintain a relatively humid soil environment. During the corm expansion period, the water content should be kept at about 75%. The moisture content should not be too large. If the soil moisture is too large, it will lead to low soil permeability, which is very unfavorable to the growth of bulbs. However, it should not be too low. If the soil moisture content is lower than 60%, it will affect the expansion of bulbs. Therefore, the watering method should be based on irrigation, and it is best to be able to irrigate.

If heavy rain occurs in the middle and late stages, we should also pay attention to drainage and waterlogging prevention to avoid ponding leading to waterlogging and death. Generally, September to October is the late growth period of konjac, at this time we have to control the water. Keep the moisture content of the soil at about 60%, and promote the accumulation of nutrients in underground bulbs. If there is too much water, it will affect the formation of dry matter. Therefore, the yield and quality of konjac decreased. Only by controlling water content well can the high yield and quality of konjac be guaranteed.

2. Fertilization management

Konjac in August-September, when it is more fertilizer absorption period. At this time, nitrogen fertilizer is mainly used, and its dosage is about 60% of the whole growth period of Konjac. Among them potassium is more important, konjac absorption is also more, absorption is generally about twice that of nitrogen. In June-July, in the konjac head change period, this time we have to do the first topdressing work. The second time should be carried out at the time of tuber expansion, and then appropriate foliar fertilizer should be sprayed to enhance the disease resistance of konjac.

3. Pest control

Then in the middle and late stages of konjac we should pay attention to the prevention and control of konjac diseases and insect pests. Because in the middle and late period, it is a peak period of konjac disease, in which soft rot and white silk disease are particularly common. We mainly focus on prevention, strengthen management, control water and fertilizer, not too much, to prevent waterlogging and fertilizer damage. Thus causing konjac diseases and insect pests, and then often observe the growth of konjac. If abnormalities are found, they should be dealt with in time to find out the causes and then take corresponding measures to avoid aggravation of the disease.

The above is a brief introduction to the management technology of Konjac in the middle and late stages. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!