
The latest course on Seedling raising techniques and methods of towel Gourd in early Spring

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Towel gourd is a kind of melon vegetable with high nutritional value, and its planting area is very large in our country. Towel gourd is usually planted in summer because its cold resistance is relatively poor. But now the planting technology is becoming more and more mature, so towel gourd is now in early spring.

Towel gourd is a kind of melon vegetable with high nutritional value, and its planting area is very large in our country. Towel gourd is usually planted in summer because its cold resistance is relatively poor. But now the planting technology is becoming more and more mature, so towel gourd can also be used to raise seedlings in early spring. So how to raise towel gourd seedlings in early spring? Today, the editor has brought you the towel gourd seedling raising technology in early spring. Let's take a look at it.

1. Seed treatment

Before towel gourd seedlings are raised in early spring, we first need to do a good job in seed treatment. First, soak the seeds in warm water of about 50 degrees, and pay attention to stirring constantly in the process of soaking. Then keep it for about a quarter of an hour, and soak the seeds for another day when the water temperature drops to about 30 degrees. The water should be changed about twice during seed soaking, about once every 10 hours. After soaking the seeds, rub the plant, wash it clean and then fish it out. Then wrap the seed in gauze and put it at a temperature of about 26-27 degrees to promote germination. When sprouting, wash it twice a day with warm water of about 30 degrees. When most of the seeds are white, you can sow them.

2. Soil treatment and sowing

First of all, we should prepare the soil, which can be mixed with peat soil and field soil, mixed with the right amount of farm manure. Then it is loaded into the seedling tray, and the specification of the seedling plate is kept around 10*10cm. When loading the soil, the lower part of the seedling tray should be compacted, and the upper part of the soil should be kept soft, leaving about two centimeters of space. After loading the soil, put it directly into the seedbed and cultivate a small amount of soil around it. It is necessary to water thoroughly before sowing, and after soil preparation is done, the seeds can be sown. Sow a seed in each seedling tray, then cover the soil with about 1.5cm, and then cover with plastic film to improve the ability of heat preservation and moisture conservation.

3. Seedling stage management

After sowing, the daytime temperature should be kept at about 25 degrees and the soil temperature should be kept at 20 degrees. Generally, seedlings can emerge in no more than 5 days. After emergence, the temperature during the day is maintained at 20-25 degrees, and the temperature difference between day and night is maintained at about 10 degrees. If the seedlings are raised in early spring, then the seedlings are in an environment of short sunshine, weak light and low temperature. Therefore, in order to control the amount of water, we should take the soil dry and wet as the principle. If too much watering, then in the low temperature environment, it is very easy to lead to retting roots. After the seedlings were unearthed, although there was little demand for light in the early stage, the light should be increased appropriately with the growth of the seedlings. Then, a week before planting, the seedlings should not be watered, and the temperature should be reduced gradually to increase ventilation.

4. Timely planting

Three weeks before the seedlings are planted, it is necessary to do a good job of fastening the shed to make the soil in the shed defrost as soon as possible. After the soil is thawed, sufficient mature farm manure is applied, combined with appropriate amount of diammonium phosphate and other fertilizers. Then turn the soil deep, and then prepare the soil to ridge, the ridge spacing is kept at about 60cm. When the average daily temperature in the greenhouse is not less than 10 degrees and the soil temperature in the 10cm is not less than 12 degrees, it can be planted. Then, when the towel gourd seedlings spread out about 4 true leaves, choose the seedlings with strong growth, keep the plant distance at about 35cm in the sunny morning, and pour enough bottom water.

The above is a brief introduction of towel gourd seedling raising techniques in early spring. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.