
The latest pumpkin fertilizer management points

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Pumpkin is a very common fruit vegetable in our daily life, and its planting area in our country is also very large. When we grow pumpkin, if we want to ensure the yield and quality of pumpkin, then its fertilizer and water management is very important.

Pumpkin is a very common melon and fruit vegetable in our daily life, and the planting area in our country is also very large. When we are growing pumpkins, if we want to ensure the yield and quality of pumpkins, then its fertilizer and water management is very important. Fertilizer and water management is the key measure to meet the nutrient and water demand of pumpkin. So what should pumpkin fertilizer and water management do? The following editor brings you the main points of pumpkin fertilizer and water management, let's have a look!

I. watering management

The root system of pumpkin is developed, and its water absorption capacity and drought tolerance are relatively strong. However, pumpkin leaves are also relatively thick, and also very many, so its transpiration is also very exuberant. Therefore, we should pay attention to irrigation and watering in order to ensure the yield of pumpkins. After the pumpkin is planted, it is generally necessary to water the seedlings once more in about seven days to promote the growth of branches and leaves. Then after the pumpkin sits, it will be watered with puffing water. Then in the later stage, we should do a good job of watering according to climate change and the actual situation of the soil to promote the growth of pumpkins. After the fruit grows, it is necessary to reduce the amount of water properly and improve the dry matter accumulation and quality of pumpkin fruit.

II. Fertilization management

1. Characteristics of fertilizer requirement

When we fertilize the pumpkin, we should do it according to the fertilizer characteristics of the pumpkin. Pumpkin in different growth periods, the demand for nutrition is different. For example, in the seedling stage, the growth of pumpkin is not large, so the need for fertilizer is not high. During the fruit expansion period, the absorption of nitrogen and potassium by pumpkin will be greatly increased. In the whole growth period of pumpkin, the demand for nutrition is the most for nitrogen and potassium, followed by calcium, and the absorption of magnesium and phosphorus is the least.

2. Base fertilizer

The base fertilizer of pumpkin is mainly organic fertilizer, combined with appropriate amount of compound fertilizer. Among them, the amount of common compost and green manure is very large, which generally takes up about all the amount of fertilizer applied. The amount per mu should be kept at about 3500kg, and then an appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be mixed and fully mixed with organic fertilizer into the soil. There are generally two kinds of fertilization methods of base fertilizer: sprinkling and concentrated application. If it is spreading, then it should be combined with deep ploughing. If there is less fertilizer, then trench should be opened and concentrated application.

3. Topdressing

The topdressing fertilizer of pumpkin is mainly available nitrogen fertilizer, at the same time, it should be combined with appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. In the time of topdressing, topdressing should be carried out in batches according to the demand for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in different growth stages of pumpkin. In the seedling stage, nitrogen fertilizer should be applied, about 6-7 jin of urea per mu. In the fruiting period, we should not only apply sufficient nitrogen fertilizer, but also supplement phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in time to ensure the normal expansion of the fruit. After sitting on the fruit, you have to fertilize it twice or so. Pay attention to the position when topdressing, do not touch the plant directly, avoid burns, resulting in fertilizer damage to the plant.

The above is a brief introduction to the main points of pumpkin fertilizer and water management. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.