
Causes and preventive measures of seedling death of pea in the latest vegetables

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Rapeseed pea is a common field cash crop in our daily life, which has a wide planting area, but in the process of pea planting, dead seedlings are more common, which often cause heavy losses. So what is the cause of the dead seedlings of vegetable peas? The

Rapeseed pea is a common field cash crop in our daily life, which has a wide planting area, but in the process of pea planting, dead seedlings are more common, which often cause heavy losses. So what is the cause of the dead seedlings of vegetable peas? How to prevent and cure it? Let's get to know it with the editor.

First, the cause of seedling death of vegetable pea

There are many, chaotic and miscellaneous pea seeds in the market, and many varieties which are easily infected with diseases have entered the market without any experiments, which is one of the important reasons for the death of pea seedlings. The annual planting of vegetable peas in the same plot can not interrupt the infection cycle of diseases and insect pests, resulting in serious seedling death. If the straw is piled randomly after pea harvest, if it is not dealt with in time, it will also cause seedling death in the following year. In addition, if the sowing is too shallow or watering and fertilization will wash away the covered soil, the soil will not be covered in time, causing the seeds to be exposed and the seedlings will be directly killed by strong light. After artificially loosening the root system and putting it on the line, the plant grows to a certain height and is blown by the wind, and the root system breaks and dies.

II. Preventive measures

In view of the causes of dead pea seedlings, corresponding technical harvesting should be taken for prevention and control. Wheat editor screened out the following technical measures to control dead pea seedlings in order to provide reference for large-scale production.

1. Field selection

Select the fields that have not planted peas for 3-4 years, which can greatly reduce the infection of diseases and insect pests, and select slightly acidic or neutral soils with low groundwater level, convenient drainage and irrigation and high content of organic matter, so as to create a good environment for the growth and development of vegetable peas and cultivate strong seedlings. Reduce dead seedlings.

3. Select improved varieties

Selecting excellent varieties with strong disease resistance is the key to high yield of vegetable peas, and at the same time, it can greatly prevent the occurrence of dead seedlings. Not every high-yielding variety can adapt to the local environment, and can be planted experimentally before sowing in a large area to see the seedling adaptation.

4. Seed treatment

The seeds can be sunned for 2-3 days before sowing, which can obviously improve the seed germination rate and germination potential, in addition, timely eliminate diseased grains, broken grains, blighted grains and mixed seeds, reduce the possibility of disease and insect infection, and improve seed uniformity and seed purity.

The above is the introduction of the causes and preventive measures of pea seedling death. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.