
Prevention and remedial measures of the latest low temperature chilling injury of cowpea

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, After entering March, the temperature gradually rises, but the cold air will also appear from time to time, bringing severe cooling. In this case, if the vegetable production management is not strict, it is very likely to suffer from low temperature cold injury, or even directly freeze to death, which has a great impact on the yield. The following editor

After entering March, the temperature gradually rises, but the cold air will also appear from time to time, bringing severe cooling. In this case, if the vegetable production management is not strict, it is very likely to suffer from low temperature cold injury, or even directly freeze to death, which has a great impact on the yield. The following editor takes cowpea as an example to explain the prevention and remedial measures of low temperature chilling injury of cowpea.

1. Preventive measures

1. Select cold-tolerant varieties

The varieties with strong cold tolerance should be selected for planting cowpea in spring, such as Sheng 906, Huanle 4, Xinza 12 and so on.

2. Cultivate strong seedlings

Cowpea production is mainly direct seeding, but at present, seedling transplanting is advocated, especially in greenhouse cultivation in early spring, seedling transplanting can inhibit the vegetative growth of seedlings too late, promote its flowering and pod, and effectively avoid low temperature freezing injury in early spring. In the process of raising seedlings, fertilizer, water and temperature should be reasonably controlled, strong seedlings should be cultivated, and seedlings should be refined at low temperature before transplanting to enhance the stress resistance of seedlings after planting.

3. Pay attention to the weather forecast

From the middle of March to the end of April, cowpea is prone to low temperature chilling injury. At this time, we should pay close attention to the weather forecast and cover the insulation materials such as film before cooling. At the same time, the leaves were sprayed with low concentration of potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution to improve the cold resistance of the plant. If the cowpea is cultivated in the open field, it can be covered with straw and plastic film in the afternoon before the cold injury comes, which can also play an excellent heat preservation work and prevent the occurrence of cold injury.

II. Remedial measures

1. Root cultivation and root protection

After the occurrence of low temperature and cold injury, ploughing and cultivating soil in time, loosening soil and increasing soil temperature, especially in low temperature and high soil moisture, root rot is very easy to occur, so carbendazim can be used to control root rot. Combined with watering in the later stage and topdressing organic fertilizer, it can promote the early emergence and multiple new roots of the plant, improve the absorption of fertilizer and water, and reduce the effect of cold injury in the later stage.

2. Blade spray water

After cowpea suffers from low temperature and cold injury, the root system absorbs fertilizer and water in summer, the water balance is destroyed, and the plant is easy to lose water, so we should pay attention to the change of air temperature. when the fertilizer and water chilling injury is determined, spray a large amount of water to the plant in time, which can effectively avoid plant wilting and alleviate the degree of chilling injury.

3. Supplement nutrition

In addition to spraying, timely supplement of nutrition is also very important to maintain plant metabolic balance. Foliar fertilizers such as glucose and amino acids can also be sprayed, and plant growth regulators such as brassin can also be sprayed to stimulate leaf extension and stem node elongation. Promote plant recovery as soon as possible. At the same time, integrated watering and fertilization, 2-3 kg potassium dihydrogen phosphate per mu was applied to improve the stress resistance of the plant.

4. Prevention and control of diseases

After suffering from low temperature and cold injury, the resistance of cowpea will decrease significantly, especially when cultivated in open field, when it is the seedling stage, the plant is weak and easy to be infected with disease. Therefore, spraying fertilizer on the leaf surface can be mixed with fungicides and cut off the dead branches and leaves in time to avoid diseases caused by mildew.

The above is the introduction of cowpea cold injury prevention and remedial measures, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.