
Which three points should be satisfied to enlarge the characteristic agriculture?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Any commercial behavior is restricted by resources and time, and it is required to achieve the goal within a certain period of time and under the condition of limited resources. For the industrial management of characteristic agricultural products, no matter what kind of main body is dominant, one or several

Any commercial behavior is restricted by resources and time, and it is required to achieve the goal within a certain period of time and under the condition of limited resources.

For the industrial management of characteristic agricultural products, no matter what kind of subject is dominant, the industrial development of one or more categories of characteristic agricultural products requires certain achievements in a few years, that is, agriculture, rural areas, farmers or regional economy, first of all, economic achievements, then cultural and social achievements, and preferably ecological achievements.

First, have the basic conditions for forming a characteristic industry

In order to carry out industrial development and management of a characteristic agricultural product, the first thing we need is that this category or variety has the basic conditions for forming an industry in this region.

For characteristic agricultural products, there are mainly two basic conditions, one is culture, the other is resources, in short, "have a soul and have a root".

A characteristic agricultural product without cultural precipitation is not suitable for industrial management. Like many characteristic vegetables and fruits grown in facility agriculture today, although the quality is very unique, they are not suitable for industrial management.

What for?

Because these characteristic agricultural products based on special varieties and cultivation techniques can be grown all over the world, perhaps at the beginning, few people grow, the price can be sold high, and the supply exceeds demand. It is obvious that such characteristic agricultural products are not sustainable and are not suitable for industrial operation.

Another phenomenon is that perhaps the quality of characteristic agricultural products grown in some areas is better than that in other regions, but the planting time is very short, while the reputation of other areas has already spread, and it is also difficult to pry the original characteristic pattern.

All these belong to the precipitation without culture, and it is obviously not suitable to use the idea of modern industrialization to carry out the industrial management of characteristic agricultural products.

For resources, it is even more important, because resources are the characteristic source of most characteristic agricultural products.

The uniqueness of natural resources creates a special growth environment for characteristic agricultural products, which has special quality. Agricultural products that are not restricted by natural resources and can be produced everywhere are not characteristic enough.

Germplasm resources are the most important prerequisite for the quality characteristics and stability of agricultural products. For example, if the brand operation of beef cattle is to be carried out, then a good beef cattle breed is the premise, and the quality is messy without pure breeds. It's impossible to form a beef brand.

The same is true of other resources, the industrial development of a characteristic agricultural product is based on resources, there is no unique resources, no advantage of resources, then the industrial development of characteristic agricultural products is water without a source and a tree without roots.

Second, strong ability to commercialize

For a characteristic agricultural product, its economic value is the most important indicator of whether it can become an industry, that is, whether its commercialization ability is strong.

For a limited area of characteristic agricultural products, its commercialization ability can be measured by three indicators: comprehensive utilization capacity, transportation capacity and the degree of market awareness.

The comprehensive utilization ability of a characteristic agricultural product not only refers to the type and quantity of commodities that can be developed by this agricultural product, including primary processing and deep finishing, but also refers to whether the scope of application of this agricultural product is wide.

The former, such as grapefruit, in addition to eating raw, can also be made of pomelo peel and grapefruit meat. develop dozens of products such as pomelo snack food, pomelo refreshments, pomelo cake stuffing, honey pomelo beverage, honey pomelo concentrated clear juice, honey pomelo wine, honey pomelo flower tea, honey pomelo gift box and so on. Honey pomelo deep processing products can be developed from leisure food type to functional type, health care type, medical type and so on.

The latter, such as honey, although it does not seem to have a strong ability of comprehensive utilization, it has a wide range of applications, in addition to drinking water in daily life, it is used as a sweet raw material in western bakery and as a natural condiment in coffee shops and restaurants.

However, the comprehensive application ability of many characteristic agricultural products is weak, for example, in addition to fresh eating, there are only a few ways to make use of red bayberry, such as fermented wine, and even red bayberry can only be eaten fresh in some places.

The transportation capacity of characteristic agricultural products refers to the fresh characteristic agricultural products, the shelf life and the conditions in the process of transportation.

For example, the well-known fresh Tricholoma matsutake belongs to the characteristic agricultural products with weak transport capacity, with short shelf life and high requirements for the transportation process, as well as wild live fish products and fresh meat and poultry.

On the other hand, some characteristic agricultural products have a strong transport capacity, such as apples, which can be stored at room temperature for dozens of days and slightly improve the storage conditions, such as six months in a cool cellar.

Of course, the current technology is very developed, which can constantly improve the transport capacity of characteristic agricultural products, but in the process of upgrading, the cost can not rise too much.

Unlike staple agricultural products, most types of characteristic agricultural products are known to everyone and everyone needs them. The market cognition of most types of characteristic agricultural products has some limitations.

Market cognition includes two aspects:

On the one hand, the scope of the market and the characteristics of characteristic agricultural products based on the uniqueness of resources are destined to enjoy high popularity in the area of unique resources, so that the markets around their production areas are more likely to be recognized by consumers.

On the other hand, the diet culture of characteristic agricultural products determines the most commonly used consumption mode of characteristic agricultural products, and consumer education is needed for consumption patterns that go beyond this way. For example, Chinese wolfberry in the general way of consumption is to soak water or cook porridge to drink, then Chinese wolfberry fresh fruit to eat this kind of consumption is extraordinary, it is difficult to be recognized by consumers in the short term.

The cognition of the market determines the market size of characteristic agricultural products, which partly determines the economic value of characteristic agricultural products.

Third, the main body of industrial operation has strong organizational ability.

If a thing is to be done, the ultimate decisive factor is the person. For the industrial management of characteristic agricultural products, it is whether the main body of the industry is capable or not.

The agricultural industry has a long chain, and there are many subjects involved, including farmers, associations, enterprises, functional departments of the government, circulation brokers and wholesale markets, and so on.

For a characteristic agricultural product, in order to carry out industrial management, there must be the participation of one or more strong subjects, especially for those characteristic agricultural products that are still in the early stage of development, and the participation of one or more strong subjects is the main factor to promote the continuous industrialization of this characteristic agricultural products.

For the characteristic agricultural products industry which has a high degree of industrialization, the main body with strong organizational ability can make the industry bigger and stronger.

A strong subject does not mean to monopolize the methods of industrial development of characteristic agricultural products, on the contrary, this subject needs to coordinate the interests of various participants and let the participants of characteristic agricultural products actively make the industry bigger and stronger.