
Field Management of the latest Rice in the later stage

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, To protect stems and leaves, prevent premature senescence, enhance the photosynthetic efficiency of rice plants after heading, and promote high nutrient accumulation and high transport is one of the key measures to achieve high yield and high quality of hybrid rice. The functional leaves of hybrid rice gradually withered and yellowed after heading, if the rice was de-fertilized.

To protect stems and leaves, prevent premature senescence, enhance the photosynthetic efficiency of rice plants after heading, and promote high nutrient accumulation and high transport is one of the key measures to achieve high yield and high quality of hybrid rice.

Supplementary application of grain fertilizer

After heading, the functional leaves of hybrid rice gradually wither and yellow. if they are de-fertilized, the leaves will turn yellow and die prematurely, and the ability of photosynthesis of rice plants can be weakened. Therefore, fertilizing and increasing source, prolonging leaf life and improving leaf photosynthetic capacity are one of the effective measures to promote grain abundance and fullness. The application of grain fertilizer is generally based on foliar fertilizer sprayed outside the root, spraying 2 times from breaking stage to filling stage, each time with 100 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.5 kilograms of urea per mu, dissolved in 50 kg water and then mixed with 1520 ml 802 on the stems and leaves of rice plants. For fields with insufficient base fertilizer and early leaf denitrification, 2.5 kg urea per mu should be applied before heading. It can promote the further differentiation of flower buds, prevent the degeneration of spikelets, and give full play to the large panicle advantage of hybrid rice.

Regulate moisture

Hybrid rice has more stringent requirements for water at heading and flowering stage, and it is most vulnerable to high temperature at heading and flowering stage. it is appropriate to carry out deep irrigation to increase field humidity and reduce temperature so as to promote regular heading and normal flowering pollination. If you encounter abnormal high temperature weather, you should also spray clear water to improve the microclimate of the ear layer and reduce the impact. After heading, the root system of the plant is senescent, so the chance of soil ventilation should be increased under the condition of ensuring water supply, root should be cultivated by air, root and leaf should be protected, and root decay and leaf failure should be prevented. Maintain a certain water layer in the field from heading to the early stage of pollination in order to meet the physiological water requirements of the plant, and then keep moist irrigation and pipe water according to the principle of alternating dry and wet, mainly wet in the filling stage and dry in the wax ripening stage. dry and wet alternately to maturity. Do not cut off the water too early, otherwise it will also artificially lead to premature senility, resulting in reduced production and reduced rice quality, generally cut off water about 5 days before harvest.

Prevention and control of diseases and pests

The damage of diseases and insect pests in the later stage of hybrid rice is serious, which is an important factor affecting "storeroom", "strong source" and "smooth flow". It is an obstacle to obtain high yield and high quality, so it must be controlled in time to protect stems and leaves from harm. The main leaf-destroying diseases and insect pests of hybrid rice are late syndrome, rice blast, bacterial leaf blight and rice leaf borer, while stem-damaging diseases and insect pests are mainly sheath blight, rice planthopper, borer and so on. We should focus on the prevention and treatment of late-stage syndrome, because it is the result of a mixture of fungal diseases, often causing scorched leaves, damaged leaf tips, and serious premature senescence, which can reduce rice by about 20%, so we should pay close attention to prevention. In the break period, 40% Hekuling or Yelu wettable powder 50: 75 grams per mu, diluted with 50 kg of water and evenly sprayed on the stems and leaves of rice plants, can achieve significant disease prevention and leaf protection and premature senility. For the areas with frequent occurrence of rice blast and epidemic areas of bacterial blight, tricyclazole and Yekuning can be mixed and sprayed in order to prevent the disease.

Spraying boron fertilizer

In the flowering and fruiting stage of hybrid rice, the supply of boron fertilizer is sufficient, which can increase the seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight. According to the experiment, spraying boron fertilizer solution in the later stage of hybrid rice can increase the seed setting rate by 4.3% and increase the 1000-grain weight by 0.51g. Therefore, in the rice field after boron deficiency or rape stubble, it should be sprayed once at the initial heading stage and at the full heading stage, and can be mixed with spraying grain fertilizer, with 100 grams of borax or 100 grams of photosynthetic micro-fertilizer per mu, diluted with 50 kg of water. When preparing borax solution, borax should be fully dissolved with a small amount of warm hot water, and then sprayed in time.