
The latest potato planting fertilizer technology tutorial

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Potato fertilization is generally based on organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizer, heavy application of base fertilizer, early application of topdressing for the principle. Because organic fertilizer contains rich organic matter, it is beneficial to fertilize, loosen soil, improve soil fertility, and is more conducive to potato tuber expansion and roots.

The fertilization of potato is generally based on the principle of "giving priority to organic fertilizer, supplemented by chemical fertilizer, heavy application of base fertilizer and early application of topdressing". Because organic fertilizer is rich in organic matter, it is beneficial to fertilize and loosen soil, improve soil fertility, and is more conducive to potato tuber expansion and root growth. During the period of potato growth, the most need for water and fertilizer is the flowering stage, which is not only the season of rising temperature and rainfall, but also the stage of organic fertilizer gradually maturing, decomposing and releasing nutrients. At this time, the transformation benefit of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer in base fertilizer expanded continuously, which met the nutrient demand of potato during the growth period and promoted the plant growth and development.

Fertilizer application amount

Potatoes are grown in both the south and north of China, and the soil fertility is very inconsistent. There is more potassium deficiency in the soil in the south, so more potassium fertilizer should be applied, and more phosphorus fertilizer should be applied in the north, but the potato has a large demand for potassium, which should also be paid attention to. The experiment shows that the type and quantity of nutrients required by potato are different at different growth stages during the whole growth period. The fertilizer absorption was very little in the seedling stage, increased abruptly in the rosette stage, reached the peak in the early stage of tuber formation, and then decreased sharply. According to the percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the total fertilizer absorption, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium accounted for 6%, 8% and 9% respectively from germination to emergence, 33%, 34% and 36% in germination stage, and 56%, 58% and 55% in tuber formation period, respectively.

Fertilization method

Potato is a tuber crop, which likes loose sandy soil and requires a cool temperature. When fertilizing, there should be more farm manure combined with chemical fertilizer as base fertilizer, which can improve the physical properties of the soil and is beneficial to the growth and tuber formation.

1. Re-apply base fertilizer. Potato is a tuber crop, which likes loose sandy soil and requires a cool climate. The amount of base fertilizer generally accounts for more than 2x3 of the total fertilizer application, and the base fertilizer is mainly fully mature farm manure, adding a certain amount of chemical fertilizer, especially phosphorus and potassium fertilizer as base fertilizer, which can improve the physical properties of the soil and is beneficial to the growth and tuber formation. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer in the base fertilizer accounts for about 50%, and the application method of the base fertilizer is ditch or hole application before planting, with a depth of about 15 cm. If the specific amount of fertilizer application is about 1500 kg per mu, 1500-2500 kg of organic fertilizer, 20 kg of urea, 20 kg of common calcium, 10-12 kg of potash fertilizer, or 40-60 kg of high-nitrogen and high-potassium compound fertilizer can be appropriately increased. Chemical fertilizer should be applied 2-3 cm away from the seed potato to avoid direct contact with the seed potato and cover the soil after fertilization.

2. Dressing as early as possible. Topdressing should be applied reasonably in combination with the growing period of potatoes. Nitrogen fertilizer should be applied at seedling stage, and 5-8 kg urea per mu can be combined with ploughing soil, which is beneficial to seedling protection. After flowering, potatoes generally do not apply topdressing in the rhizosphere, especially nitrogen fertilizer. After flowering, potatoes are mainly sprayed with phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and 50 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution of 0.3-0.5% per mu is sprayed. If nitrogen is deficient, 100-150 grams of urea can be increased, once every 10-15 days, 2-3 times in a row. Potatoes are sensitive to boron and zinc. If the soil is boron-deficient or zinc-deficient, 0.1-0.3% borax or zinc sulfate can be sprayed, usually once every 7 days, twice in a row, with 50-70 kg solution per mu. In particular, farmers should be reminded that potatoes are potassium-loving crops, and special attention should be paid to the application of potash fertilizer in balanced fertilization. At the same time, should not use too much chlorine fertilizer, such as potassium chloride, should choose potassium sulfate, otherwise it will affect the quality of potatoes.